Chapter 41

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Asha was waiting for her dad to sit down, he said he wanted to talk to her about today, about her papa coming back. Asha had her wig on its headstand as she sighed. "Are you ok dad?"

Chris frowned as he sat down. "I'm here to ask you that. How you feeling about this? Really?" Asha looked away. "Honestly? I feel like I'm going to go to sleep and this will just be a dream but if it was a dream you wouldn't have fainted and we wouldn't have to call the paramedics." "I know. I feel the same but it's not a dream. He's really back." Asha smiled weakly.

"You should be happy. Papa is back." Chris nodded. "Yeah." Asha hugged him. "It'll be ok. " Chris smiled weakly. Kissing her smooth head. "Yeah. Now go to sleep, it's a school night." Asha nodded. "Ok dad, love you." Chris smiled softly. "Love you too, now go to sleep."

Chris came out of the bedroom, closing the door quietly when Bhumi tapped his shoulder. "Can we talk?" Chris nodded, following him to the kitchen where Douglas was, drinking tea.

It still make Chris's heart stop when he saw him. "I thought you wanted to talk to me?" Bhumi nodded. "Yes I do." "But he's here. You don't want to talk in private?" Bhumi sighed. "No. He's aware of what I want to talk about." Chris noticed the somber look Douglas had and feared the worst. "Oh god, what's going on?"

Bhumi swallowed. "There's no easy way to say this. I'm letting you go. We're no longer in a relationship." Chris swallowed the lump growing in his throat. "Are you serious? Why? Because he suddenly showed up?" Chris ignored the hurt look on Douglas face. Bhumi sighed. "Yes. I want you to be open to options without fear of cheating on me or feeling obligated to me." Chris looked away, he hated how logical Bhumi could be.

Bhumi walked closer to Chris. "I love you but I know you don't love me like you did with him. I know you're not over him." "Of course I am! Why do you think I wanted to start anything with you?" "Because you were lonely. You wanted someone to hold you and tell you everything is going to be ok and I was that, for a time but he's back and I'm not going to let you stop yourself from what you want."

Chris was stuttering. "What I want? Why are you deciding this for me as if I was a child? I'm not! I can decide what I want and don't want!" Bhumi sighed. "We're done Chris. Talk with Douglas, you two have much to catch up on." He finished as he walked away and down the hall to the bedrooms.

Chris took in a shaking breathe. He paced as Douglas felt awkward, like a bull in a china shop. "Chris-" "Shut up. Just shut up, you shouldn't even be here, you should be dead." Douglas moved toward him, stopping him from pacing. "But I am. I'm sorry I've ruined you're life, I knew it was a mistake to come here. I'll leave you alone. I.."His voice became thick with emotion. "I just needed to know you and Asha were ok. And I have."

He turned to leave, his hand on the doorknob when Chris ran over to him. "No! Stay! That's not..I didn't mean it. I'm just so fucked up right now, I don't know what to think." Douglas turned to him, seeing his brown eyes watery.

Chris sniffled. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." Douglas smiled softly, two tears escaping down his cheeks. "I missed you too."

Chris let a sob escape. "After you died I was lost. I didn't get out of bed, I didn't eat, I barely slept, I could barely take care of myself. My depression was the worst it ever was. I had an episode and...and if it wasn't for Bhumi I wouldn't be here. I tried to slit my own throat and he talked me down."

Douglas swallowed, taking in a shaking breath. "I'm sorry. I'm so sor-" "No. you have nothing to apologize for. You saved countless lives and planets from your sacrifice. You should never apologize for that."

Douglas moved closer to him. "But I can apologize for the hell it put you and Asha through. I wasn't thinking things through back then, I was just so focused on making sure you and Asha were safe." Chris walked closer, nearly touching him, wanting to make sure he's real and here.

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