Part 1~

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Okay so before you read any furthur, let me warn you that this might be long, and it'll be just a tad R-Rated ;). @AlternativeGrace, I hope you like it :).



(Ashley's P.O.V.~)

"Hey there, sexy." Some guy said to me, looking me up and down. I winked at him and asked "Hey baby, wanna have some fun?" He sighed and said "I wish I could, but I can't. I gotta get home to my wife." I fake pouted and said "Aww, that's too bad. When you change you mind, let me know." I smirked at him, twirling a strand of my long black hair around my index finger. He winked and said "Don't worry, I will." Before walking away. I chuckled and turned on my heel, walking the opposite direction. I earned a few stares from guys a I sashayed down the sidewalk like a super model, my six inch black stiletto boots, clicking on the concrete as I walked.

Before you ask, I'm not a hooker. I'm actually a guy who is a cross dresser. You know, guys who dress up like a chick? Yeah, I'm that. And anyone could tell I'm a guy. Cause first of all, I don't have tits so that's pretty obvious, and two, despite my beautiful face and girly legs, I look to masculine to be a woman. But I'm sassy like one. As I walked, I saw my friend Jeremy aka 'Jinxx' up ahead, looking as shy and awkward as usual.

I walked up to him and said "Heyy Jinxxy." He jumped a little and looked over at me. "H-Hey Ash..What's up?" I shrugged and said "Oh just the usual. Getting hit on by desperate guys. What about you?" He said "S-Same." I nodded and said "Cute outfit." pointing down at his outfit. He had on a short black skirt that stopped at his upper thighs and hugged his girlish hips, a red corset, knee high black stockings, and some heels. His long ebony hair rest down his shoulders and covered those innocent blue eye of his. A lot of guys go for the innocent, shy, kinda guys, and Jinxx hits the look dead on. As for me, the same with the skirt, except shorter, a black tank top that says TATTOOS AND WHISKEY MAKE ME FRISKY on it, fishnets, and my heels.

"Th-Thanks.." He stuttered, tugging at the hem of his skirt. "You're welcome, beautiful." I said, winking. Yeah, you can say I flirt a lot. And you can also say I'm a man whore. But I'm only a whore for one man now. His name is Andy, he's my best friend, and he's also my master or as he calls it my "daddy." He's tall, pale, and incredibly sexy. His voice is low and always sends chills down my spine. And his eyes...Oh dear Lord, there so perfect! Their almost sky blue, but a little grey. And he's AMAZING in bed. I used to always dominate but after him and I hooked up a couple years ago, That changed completely.

We have a Dom/Sub relationship, and I love when he treats me like a dirty little whore. My phone rang in my purse and I dug through it, until I found it. I pulled it out and the phone stopped ringing. It rang a second time, playing the Batman ringtone I had set so I knew Andy was calling me. I smirked when I heard it and answered, knowing well I was gonna be punished for not answering when he calls. "Hello?" I asked in an innocent tone.

"Why didn't you answer?" Andy demanded on the other end. I smirked and said "I'm sorry daddy, I had my phone in my purse and I can't find anything in there...I'm sorry." "Sorry won't cut it. Get home. Now." I bit my lip and said "Yes daddy, I'll be there soon." "You better be." and hung up. I chuckled and shook my head. "I guess I better get going home before Andy kills me. Bye Jinxx." He said "Yeah, I think I should go to...Jake and CC might be wondering where I am." I smiled and said "Bye." He said bye and we walked off.

I can't wait to get home.

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