Chapter 4 - Learning from a Mistake

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Back in Ninjago, inside the Library of the Temple of Gold, the ninja were looking at strategy books. "Why am I looking at strengths and weaknesses to the Lightning Outpost?" complained Jay.

"Cause you are the lightning expert plus with the loss of taking one of their outposts, they will counterattack." said Caleb without looking up from the book of organizing troops quickly.

"That puts them out of the way," said Jay, throwing the book to the side. "I'm going to find a book that will help us now." and walked down one of the aisles of books.

"Do me a favor," Caleb said to Striker, "If we lose that outpost and if I'm somewhere else, remind Jay 'I told you so'."

"Don't worry he won't forget." said Striker back.

Kai was walking down the aisle of elements hoping to learn different techniques when he noticed an element book was buzzing and fidgeting. He picked it up and found the page where it was written in. "Hey, Caleb you should take a look at this." said Kai walking to Caleb and handing him the book.

Caleb looked at the page where it was written in. "It's from Morro from Earth, he saids they needed our help." said Caleb. They stopped their search and looked for the book of evil spirits. When Caleb found it he opened up the pages. "How Morro described them, they sound like they are Vengeful, Competitiveness, and Envy. This also makes sense because they worked together to turn one group or in this case groups against another." said Caleb.

"Well at least this is a change of scenery." said Jay.

"It may be Jay, but the leader of them, according to this, had a relationship with Hatred before he became all hateful." said Caleb.

"So what made him change?" asked Striker.

"It saids here, after the First Spinjitzu Master banished the three of them, he grew hatred to the First Spinjitzu Master then when he was discovered he too was banished." said Caleb

"So that explains why Fear is controlling their principals." said Lloyd reading the message.

"Cause Fear always works with Hatred." said Blizzare.

"And Hatred likes Vengeful, talk about that, two evil spirits they might get one good child." said Striker. Everyone looked at him confused. "Ugh, I can't believe we drilled that into my head the last time we were there." he yelled.

Caleb and the other two Green Ninjas got it but the others still didn't. "I need to get back and help them." said Caleb.

"You can't. The portal is still closed." said Cole.

"Karlof thinks you should stay here and help anyway." said Karlof.

"I agree with Karlof, we need you here and help us win our war." said Kai.

Caleb got up and left towards the courtyard, the ninja followed after him. When they got to the portal, Caleb withdrew the sword of the First Spinjitzu Master and pushed it into a slot on one side of the portal. The portal came alive, and the ninja were astonished and still thought it still a bad idea. "I discovered the slot a couple days ago." explained Caleb. "I told them if they needed my help, I would come. Now they need me, so I must go and help them."

"Well since we now can reopen the portal anytime." said Griffin. "Don't you think we should all go and help. If not us then the Green Ninjas then?"

Caleb thought about this for a while before answering. "I don't think all of us should go. Not only that all except us four trained our power in that realm so we have to retrain you guys as well. Also I think I should go alone, because if I go, we'll lose only one if I can't get back. But all four of us go, then that's four ninja the Oni doesn't have to worry." The ninja agreed with him but were still worried. Caleb untied the sheath of the sword and gave it to Lloyd. "Closed the portal after I left. Keep the Element of Wind book close by, it will be the only way to communicate with you when I need you guys to reopen it."

Lloyd tied the sheath to his belt then said, "Be careful and we won't leave you behind."

Caleb nodded then looked at all the ninja. "Don't tell him, I'll be back before he knows it." he said. Then he took a big breath and entered the portal.

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