A Car Full of Boxes

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Sebastian took one last look at the small apartment he called home for the past 6 years. Box in hand, filled with old pictures and wires he wasn't quite sure what actually went to but packed anyway, he was ready to say goodbye.
He didn't have much here, just some pre-loved furniture his moms gave him when he left the nest, along with trinkets and valuables. As he stared at the bare walls a familiar voice trailed up behind him.
"H-hey, is that the last box?"
Seb turned around to find Garret holding one of the only potted plants he hadn't managed to kill. After dating for 1 year, Garret finally built up the courage to ask Seb to live with him. Today was moving day and Garret was nervous as hell, not so much the moving part but the fact that Sebastian would actually be living with him. He's still surprised that he even said yes.
"Oh yeah!" Sebastian said with delight, "This is the last one. We can start heading out now I'm just reminiscing that's all."
"Are you... gonna miss this place?"
"Hm? Well... I mean I have good memories here..." Sebastian walked closer to his boyfriend, repositioning the box so one hand was free, "but I'm ready to start new ones with you, Garret." He grabbed Garret's shoulder and kissed his forehead.
Garret jumped a little bit, thinking to himself
"He wants to to start new memories... with me? Why me how am I that special to him?"
Sebastian pulled back to reveal his boyfriends beet red face. He's always liked how flustered Garret gets, whether it was a compliment or a flirt, the long haired boy never failed to make Seb's heart melt.
"C'mon, lets head home" Seb smiled at Garret, guiding him to the door.
He locked the apartment one last time before leaving the key under the mat. The two love birds made their way to the tightly packed car. Seb donated all his old furniture so there was no need to rent a truck. On the way to the cabin, Garret couldn't help but get more nervous. Sebastian had been to his place plenty of times but now, it's their home. He kept doubting himself, thinking it was all a bad idea.
Sebastian started to take notice, "Hun? You alright? I can drive if you're not up to it, it's okay."
Garret took a deep breath before answering.
"Sorry, I'm fine, really, I'm just... a little nervous that's all..."
"What's there to be nervous about?"
"It's... hard to explain." Garret took a second before speaking again, "I'm just so used to being rejected and used... it just doesn't feel real... I know I don't talk about what happened back then a lot but, even today I still feel awful... I feel like I don't deserve this.. you know.. uh.."
Sebastian watched as his boyfriend try to drive with tears in his eyes. He knew what happened all those years ago with Josh and Heather messed him up, it was just hard for him to see someone so kind and lighthearted be beaten up over the worst outcome. He didn't deserve to be outed on his graduation. He didn't deserve to have such disrespectful parents. The anger started to build up the more he thought about it, watching the man he loved so dearly drown in his own tears. He rested his hand on Garret's shoulder once more.
"I'm sorry Garret, I know it's hard for you but I promise you did nothing wrong, I love and care about you, and nothing will ever change that."
The teary-eyed boy, blushing up again over the sweet words of his boyfriend, wiped his face as he tried to concentrate on the road. After a bit more sniffling he cocked his head slightly to look at Sebastian.
"T-thank you Seb, I..I love you too" He turned his head back, a smile growing on his face.
Sebastian would do anything to keep that grin on his boyfriend, he cares about him so much. For the longest time he only thought people liked him for looks but not Garret. Every little quirk of Sebastian's, Garret adores. Seb cherishes every moment with him, cause he knows he loves him for who he is.
The two pulled up the the old cabin in the woods, finally, a place they can both call home. As they got out of the car, Sebastian walked over to Garret, wrapping his arms around the shorter lad. Garret buried himself into Seb's chest. His face starting to heat up, feeling the love and warmth radiating off of his boyfriend, he muffled.
"I can't wait to live with you."

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