Family talk

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Garret was sitting on the couch watching a movie in the living area. Seb had walked out of the guest bedroom after being on a phone call.
"Hey there you are." Garret said calmly, he turned his attention to Seb as he walked out of the hallway that split into the cabins extra rooms.
"Hey, just got off a call with my moms."
"Bit longer than normal?"
"They're... pestering again..." Seb sat down on the couch next to Garret, wrapping his arm around him and pulling him in close.
"They're still on about that whole 'giving them grandchildren' thing huh?"
"Yeah... Heh.."
The boys had gotten married 3 months prior, but Seb had been getting baby questions since he told his moms he was gonna propose, and now it was starting to get to him. He had been considering asking Garret if he was ready to have a child, or if he even wanted one, but it was such a nervous question to ask. With it being such a big commitment he'd usually sike himself out.
"They keep bringing up this new development in pregnancy... something about mutating a sperm cell with an egg cell so the sperm becomes an egg? Doctors are still testing it and apparently they're paying couples to try it..."
"Hm.. sounds.. promising.. but also... not sure.."
"What does?"
"The process..."
"What did you think I meant?"
"N-nothing..." Seb looked away from Garret in embarrassment.
Garret sighed, "I can't even think about ever being a dad... not sure if I'd be any good at it."
"I think you would!" Seb got excited, "You know... years ago I was at this roller rink..."
"Nooooo c'mon seb.."
"I saw this guy working there..."
"He was so Gorgeous, OH! So stunning!! You wanna know what he was doing?"
"... what, what was he doing..."
"He was teaching a kid how to skate, had his arms out just in case the kid fell. The most kindest expression on his face.."
"Uh huh..."
"Garret I mean yo—"
"I know you meant me!" Garret giggled then hit Seb slightly with his elbow. He sighed as he snuggled back into Seb, looking up at him.
"You really think I'd be a good father?"
Seb smiled with resting eyes, he tucked Garret's hair behind his ear as he looked down at him.
"I'm sure of it bugaboo... you'd be the best... and I'd be the best at making dad jokes.."
Garret laughed. Seb kissed Garret's head then wrapped his other arm around Garret, squeezing tight. He was silent for a bit, staring into the fireplace as the wood crackled. He let out a deep sigh.
"So... would you want a kid.."
"Obviously not right now, some time in the future when we're ready... but... I-I've been uhm... I've been wanting to ask you..  for awhile... and it's not because of my moms I just... I.."
"You want to have a kid?"
"Yeah! I, I wanna have a baby with you..." it took Seb a second to realize what he just said, he looked back down to see how Garret reacted in a bit of panic. He saw Garret staring right at him with tears in his eyes, The scrawny boy repositioned himself so he was looking forward at Seb, leaving his embrace.
"Y-you... you want to have baby with me? Are you really sure?"
"Of course I'm sure Garret! I... I've always wanted to have my own family, and I wanna have a family with you. I love you so much and you'd make an excellent father... I love you Garret."
Before Seb could say anything else Garret had tackled him into a kiss.
"W-wha was it something I said?" Seb stuttered, his cheeks beginning to blush.
"I.. I don't I..." Garret was starting to cry at this point, "you just... you believe in me.. and that I could be uh.. uh...I.."
Seb caressed Garret's cheek, bring his head back in close.
"You'd be the best father... I promise you Garret.. and, again... we don't have to have the kid now, I just wanted to know if you'd ever be interested in—"
"I-I am... I am interested... I'd love to have a baby with you Sebastian... I think you'd make a great father too... I love you bubs."
Seb wrapped his arms around Garret, bringing him into an embrace, cuddling the scrawny boy.
"We can turn the guest room into their bed room... and I can teach them how to cook..."
Garret giggled.
Seb continued, "Show them all my favorite video games.. ohhh and I can introduce them to rock music!"
Garret looked at his ecstatic husband and laughed, "sounds like they're already your best friend huh?"
"Well you can teach them how to skate!! And play guitar! I know you been doing more pottery lately you could show them that!"
As the boys laughed, cuddling on the couch, the night grew on, and the idea of a child became even more real. Maybe not today, but definitely soon.

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