Prologue: The Boy That Saved Her Life

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Warning: This chapter contains swearing and violence.

Tsubaki POV

I don't know where I am. Last thing I remember, is having a fight with my family and running away. After that gets a bit fuzzy. All I see currently is darkness. I realize that my eyes are closed and that's why it's dark. Feeling like a dumbass, I opened my eyes, only to slam them shut once I saw what was before me. There was a man looking at me, with the look in his eyes that said he was going to kill. He also had a knife so it made sense.

I heard a few grunts and groans, from two people, and once they stopped, I opened my eyes. The man was nowhere to be seen, only a boy around my age, but without a doubt a few years older. He was looking down at something, and when I turned my gaze to what he was looking at, I nearly screamed. The man that was going to kill me was laying there, no doubt that he was dead. I looked at the boy, who had just turned his gaze to mine, with a look of fear on my face.

He looked confused, but in a moment, the confusion cleared as he looked at the knife in his hand and at the man he just killed. He put the knife away and walked closer to me, hand outstretched. I flinched away from him, still scared that he'll hurt me, but couldn't stop him from grabbing my arm and pulling it closer to him. I looked at him, studying my arm, then looked at it myself. It was bleeding, and looked like something bad happened to it.

"I think you broke your arm." I looked at the boy, who just spoke, he was still looking at my arm. He stood up shortly after, and offered his hand. "I can wrap your arm, but then it's just a waiting game." I looked at his hand for a bit before using my good hand to grab his. With that, he pulled me up, and we walked to where he stayed. I didn't know where we were, so I looked around as he lead me. With my raspy voice, I asked him a question. "Where are we?"

He didn't even look away when he answered. "So you talk, huh? I thought you would know an underground city when you saw one. Guess not." I looked at him, completely shocked. How did I get down here. I don't remember coming here. "How'd I get here?" This time, he was the one to be surprised. "What do you mean? Were you not born down here?" I shook my head. I heard him hum a bit. "Well I suppose we can talk about how you got down here later then. We're here." I noticed that we stopped walking, and we were in front of a door. This guy, whose name I still have yet to know his name, opens the door, ushering me in.

I'm forced to sit in a seat while this boy gets bandages. "So, what's your name?" He stopped from his search for a moment, before answering. "Levi. What's yours?" I looked down at my arm for a second, debating if I should tell him or not. "Tsubaki... That's my name." I heard him chuckle a bit. "Tsubaki, like the flower?" I nodded my head, not looking at him. "Yeah." I watched Levi walk towards me, bandages in hand, crouch into my view, gently taking my arm. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Tsubaki." I smiled at him, noticing him smile in return. "The pleasures all mine, Levi."

We stayed silent while he wrapped my arm, I noticed he also wrapped a stick with it. Most likely to keep it straight. When he finished wrapping my arm, he cleaned himself, as if I were filthy. Though he and I both know that he cleaned my arm from the shoulder to my fingertips before wrapping it. "You can stay here, if you want." I looked up at Levi. "But, won't I be trouble for you?" He shook his head. "Not really, as long as you keep clean."

I looked at him with wide eyes. That's all he asks of me? I felt tears threaten to spill, but I couldn't stop them as I started to cry. I felt him pat my head in some attempt at comfort, but I couldn't stop crying. We stood there for a while, me crying while he tried to stop me, until I had no more tears to cry. I was only a kid, 15 years old. How was I going to survive being here for who knows how long?

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