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It's my baby girl's birthday today!! And she's a whole year old!! I thank the Lord for keeping her healthy for a year. Many girls my age that have babies have complications but I didn't. I have a beautiful healthy baby and today we all get to celebrate her.

Normally at a 1 year old's birthday there is a cake smash. But nah bruh thatd not happening. Why would I want a cake to be smashed and not eaten. So Messiah suggested we buy a cake and have a photoshoot with Hope and the cake but she wont smash it. So now it's time. My aunty Michelle is a professional photographer and she said she'll be more than happy to take pictures on Hope's special day as long as she gets extra food afterwards. Typical. I guess the love of food runs in my family.
Hope is not a newbie to the camera. Messiah and I always take pictures of her and best believe she knows how to make a perfect picture without even trying.

While Michelle takes her pictures everybody watches in awe at this beautiful baby girl

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While Michelle takes her pictures everybody watches in awe at this beautiful baby girl. Occasionally I have to stand behind Michelle and try and get Hope's attention back to the camera. Messiah and I join in the pictures and stand side-by-side next to Hope while she sits in her hot air balloon. The rest of the family joins the photoshoot and crack jokes so everybody has a genuine smile.

"Damn I'm hungry. Let's go eat"
Ooh the food that 2 of the best cooks I know made was delightful, delicious, devine. Lauren and momma.
Messiah and I take Hope back upstairs and change her into her next outfit. A pink Adidas teacksuit with white air force 1's. I tie her hair into 2 space buns and leave the rest of her curly hair loosely at the back. Cutie pie.
I go back downstairs and wait for Messiah and Hope. Soon they walk down the stairs and everybody watches in delight. I know...they're breathtakingly beautiful.
I see my sister in the corner eating. I walk over to her and I see Grayson playing with one of his toys.
"Grayson!" I walk quickly over to him amd pick him up. "Aunty J!" Aww I missed my favourite nephew. "How are you?" I ask Grayson. "Fiiine" He says shyly. "Damn bih what do you feed my nephew? He's heavy as hell." I ask Maya. "Bih what you talking about? Hope is also so heavy" She retorts. "Ugh shut up Maya" I roll my eyes at her. "Yeah shut up Maya" Shit. Did I hear properly? "Noooo Grayson you dont say that to your mom. Promise me you wont say it again." I hold my pinkie out to him. "Pinkie swear" He hooks his pinkie with mine. I love him so much.

I see Messiah and Hope on the other side of the room so I walk over to see what they're doing. "J please help. Hope wants to snatch the cake." She leans towards the table trying to grab the cake. "Then I guess it's time we cut the cake. I take a glass and a fork and clank it together. "First I would like to thank everybody that has taken the time to come and celebrate Hope's birthday with us. We really appreciate y'all" I didn't expect Messiah to do the thanking but I'm not complaining.
"With that said, who wants to eat some cake!?" Que Buddy "Cake Boss" Valastro, lol! Your girl got jokes. Hollers are heard all around the room of course. Who doesn't like cake? And if you dont like cake you're lying, your momma's a hoe.
I pick up the knife and Messiah puts Hope's hand on the knife and he puts his hand on top of mine. We cut the first piece of cake and obviously that piece of cake goes to the birthday girl. I fork the cake and feed it to Hope and she willingly obliges. Is it weird that I think she eats cute? She eats the cake pulling a face almost like she doesn't like it but soon after she smiles and claps her hands together signaling she likes it. She wouldn't be one of us if she hated the chocolate cake. Messiah and I couldn't agree on a flavour for the cake. I wanted her first cake to be an Oreo chocolate cake but he wanted a red velvet cake with cream cheese. So we went ahead decided to buy 3 cakes cause why not? I decided last minute to not buy the cake and phoned my momma asking if she had time to make a cake for Hope. And of course she said yes. I changed my mind because I've never gotten a store bought cake for my birthday for all 16 birthdays of my birthdays. And also I wanted some time to bind with my momma like we always used to when making birthday cakes.
After everybody got a piece of each cake and enjoyed it, Lauren decided it was a good idea to show everybody baby pictures of Messiah. I swear I'd he wasnt black he would've turned redder than a tomato. When I laughed at one picture where his face was full of his momma's red lipstick he shot me a glare and I immediately stopped.
"I would once again like to thank everybody for these wonderful gifts. I'm sure when Hope is older and she looks back on this day she would very much appreciate you all" I say to our family.
Messiah and I helped Hope unwrap all her presents. She got presents like:
-A Gucci headband and an diamond encrusted pacifier. Outtea we like anything iced out.
-A white faux fur chair
-A bunch of clothes and other accessories
-A white lace "bodysuit"
-Diamond stud earrings
-A LA Lakers jersey and shorts. I didnt even have to read the tag to know who it is from. For her uncle Jay-as he likes to refer himself as. He is a big LA Lakers fan and he is tryna get Hope to like the team as soon as possible, which I don't mind because I'm a fan myself.
That's just to name a few presents she has recieved so far.
Next we open a box and I have no idea what in it. Messiah takes whatever is in the box out and it appears to be a pink light up signage. With the letter 'H' for Hope of course. Omgosh this is beautiful!
"Who gave this? It is so beautiful for real."
Nobody replies. Maybe they wanted to remain anonymous which is fine by me.
"All done. There's a damn lot of pictures, more than 1500." just finished uploading all the pictures she took today into my MacBook. Everybody has left but not empty handed-with a good plate of food. Leave 2 good cooks to make food for a family gathering and they make food for the whole state. But I'm not complaining, this means that I can still eat the leftovers tomorrow for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
"Give my granddaughter here before we leave" My dad asks and of course I oblige. He puts Hope on his lap and my momma tickles her stomach and she giggles. That's the sound I like to hear. He giggles, her laugh. It makes me so happy and a proud mother. It reminds me of the blessing in disguise that was given to me. It reminds me that I deserve to be happy no matter what the world thinks of me. I don't need to let this be my downfall. There's so much stigma about teenage pregnancy. 'She couldn't even keep her legs closed', 'That's what happens when you focus on boys and not school', 'Hoe', 'Slut', 'Treesh', 'All she did was fuck around and look what happened'.
Sometimes that is not the case. I still made the best of my situation so let's not talk about me. What about the girl that was raped? But society is not ready for that conversation. They always have an excuse to comment: 'what was she wearing?', 'she was probably looking for it', 'why was she walking alone?'.
Society never sees the girls point of view. For God's sake! She was raped! And you still look for excuses for the rapist? Then you are just as disgusting as the rapist himself.
I shouldn't be having these thoughts on a happy day like this but I cant help but think about it.
"What are you thinking so deeply about?" I snap out of it once Lauren asks me.
"I'm just thinking about how blessed and grateful I should be. Not every girl gets this opportunity."
"You are one blessed girl. And I am one blessed grandmother. I never saw myself being a grandmother at this time with my younger sons baby and I'm so happy. I could've easily had a "daughter-in-law" who was rude and disrespectful but at least my son has good taste" She winks.
"I heard that" Messiah says out of nowhere.
"Yo mama ain't lying" I look at him and make a pouty face.
"Mhmm" He side hugs me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

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