Chapter One: Rough Beginnings

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Key: Y/G= Your Gender, Y/S= Your Size


[Your P.O.V.]

I shuffle my feet on the pavement still wet from earlier's rain, hearing the skritch of pebbles scraping the damp surface as I try not to focus on the familiar feeling of anxiety that always burdens my mind while scoping a place out. I look up at the white, now grey in the dark, house before me, unable to see into the blackened windows. The glare of the streetlight behind me leaves bright spots on the glass surfaces making me strain my eyes as they dart to each one, scanning for any movement but only seeing the reflection of the empty road and myself standing there. Dressed in a black pullover hoodie with the hood up completely covering my hair, paired with jeans and navy blue sneakers. An appearance typical of someone planning a break in.

Without warning, a window on the second floor opens and my heart skips a beat when a human-shaped figure appears in front of it. Yelling pierces the otherwise silent night, forcing me to dart onto the porch and below a part of overhanging roof. I couldn't risk them seeing me now. Not before I even have a chance to carry out my mission.

With a sharp inhale of breath and a slow release into the cold November air I ready myself for what lies ahead. It will be tricky but not impossible, luckily no one else is out at this time of night, allowing me to try the front door first. I move in front of it, wrapping a gloved hand around the brass handle and twisting with the slightest movement of my wrist, hoping the residents had forgotten to lock up again. It shifts a fraction of an inch before stopping. Locked, damn it. Of course it is, tonight of all nights. I search around for the few moments I can afford in case they've left a spare key under the welcome mat or perhaps under a flower pot but it's futile. I don't have time for this.

Now for plan B.

I pull my hood tighter around my face and sneak off the porch, keeping low and close to the side of the house while heading around back. Placing my feet in certain ways as to not step on the leaves and many sticks that litter the ground. I crouch underneath windows as I pass just in case there's someone in the house I hadn't taken note of. Although I am sure it's just the woman, her husband, and my target.

I make it to the back of the house and look around the damp, green lawn littered with red leaves and overgrown as if someone hadn't cut the grass in weeks. It's odd considering the residents are well off and could easily get someone to do it. I squint into the dark as I scan the yard and my eyes land on a small shed-like building in the far corner underneath a maple tree.

A dog house.

From this far away I can't tell if it's occupied or not and I don't want to find out. Keeping it in mind, I continue further with even slower steps than before. Time seems to slow as I get closer to reaching a sliding glass door, but once I'm there it only takes one glance at the mechanism on the other side to tell me it's unlocked, I grab the handle and slide it to the right. Next, I step onto the white carpeted floor, entering what appears to be a living room, I pause and take the time to slowly close the door, letting go of the handle after hearing a soft click. My heartbeat gets faster, filling the silence, and my eyes have to adjust to the near pitch black surroundings. The only sources of light to break the extensive dark is a soft glow of the television's power button and a light illuminating part of a wall at an angle. It's coming from the second floor, shining down the stairwell.

The stairs. My eyes lock onto them, that's where I need to go. While making my way over I note the layout of the house, the living room where I am, dining room to the left partially blocked by the stairs which also help form the entryway, and a hallway leads down the right.

Deviant Hunters: ConnorXReader (Detroit: Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now