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"It's not really a clan or anything," Brendon explains secretively when they walk out of the park. "But we thought it would sound cool."

"You thought it would sound cool," Ryan thinks he hears from Spencer's direction. Brendon casts a grin towards Spencer's retreating back.

Ryan smiles faintly at the dark boy walking beside him on the dusty road. Jon and Spencer are pacing slightly ahead of them, talking about something that Ryan can't really hear - he blames it on Brendon, who really seems to radiate energy like some miniature power plant. It's kind of impossible to ignore Brendon, which then leads to an unconditional lack of interest when it comes to the rest of the world. Ryan has almost tripped over his feet three times already because his concentration is aimed at Brendon and not where he's walking. "The Clan of Raven, huh," Ryan mutters under his breath.

Brendon grins. "Yeah, they wouldn't accept my other suggestions."

Ryan raises an eyebrow. "Do I want to know what those suggestions were?" he asks flatly.

Spencer turns to grin over his shoulder. "Absolutely not."

Brendon pouts. "Schfitzing Clan sounds--"

"Wrong in so many ways," Jon interrupts with a laugh.

"Your mom sounds wrong in so many ways," Brendon returns, and the next three minutes pass happily while Brendon tries to detach himself from the headlock Jon snatches him into.

Spencer and Ryan stand lazily a few feet away, watching the advance of the battle and occasionally glancing at each other. Ryan doesn't really know what to think about Spencer. Brendon is easy to read - he's like an open book, revealing everything and anything even though they've just known each other for about twenty minutes, a chatterer who seems to manage to talk a mile a minute. Jon is calm and - well, just calm. He looks slightly older than the other two, possibly a little older than Ryan as well with his neat shirt (although it's missing the button) and a mellow expression that right now is replaced with a huge grin as Brendon tries to struggle free from Jon's grip.

Spencer is more difficult to figure out. Ryan glances at the blue-eyed boy who stands there, arms crossed over his chest as he watches Brendon's futile attempts with an amused expression on his face.

"So, how do you know each other?" Ryan ventures to ask.

Spencer unfolds his arms and stretches them. "I've known Jon since we were kids. Grew up as neighbors. Brendon tagged along somewhere around third grade."

"What grade are you in?" Ryan continues.

"Me and Brendon are going in eighth grade after this summer," Spencer says easily. "Jon's going to be a sophomore. How about you?"

"Freshman," Ryan says. So he's at least a year older than Brendon and Spencer.

Spencer just nods, turning his attention back towards the struggling pair. "Hey, cut the tomfoolery already, Brendon's turning blue," he then shouts in Jon's direction. "Besides, I think it's gonna rain real soon, so we should get the hell out of here."

Jon lets go of Brendon, who splutters and coughs for a while and glares at Jon, but in a friendly manner. Jon reaches out to ruffle Brendon's hair, Brendon grins, and Spencer leads them out of the park through the gates. Ryan doesn't ask where they are going, but he tries to memorize the route so he can find his way back if needed. They are odd guys, all of them, but Ryan is intrigued by their easy friendship and this whole Raven thing, so he follows along.

The Clan of Raven (Ryden)Where stories live. Discover now