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As they all run into the hospital, Mark slams his hands onto the counter and pants as he talks.

M: Any Nelson—Where—car hit her—

Desk lady: You can not see her now she is in surgery but when she is in recovery, one person can go in at a time.

M: Please...let me see her now?

Desk lady: I'm sorry...She should be out in an hour or so.

M: fine...thanks

Mark walks his group to the waiting area and they all sit in chairs in a circle. Jack has no idea who this is but he is worried too and he also doesn't know who the two guys are.

B: Oh uh...I'm Bob and this is Wade. Friends of Mark's...

J: Hi...I'm Jack.

W: Friend of Mark's?

J: Yeah...Can I ask who we're here for?

B: Our friend Amy. We were walking across the street when some random guy pulled me and Wade out if the way and didn't get to Amy...

W: I wish it were me...

B: I wish it were none of us.

J: Well I'm sorry...

Mark was leaned over and he had his head in his hands. Jack reached over and rubbed his back to try and sooth him.

M: Jack...Will you come with me to the bathroom?

J: Yeah sure

They get up and find their way to a restroom. It was bright and smelled like cleaner.

Mark starts to cry more and Jack just holds him.

They went to the bathroom so Mark could cry, well, So he didn't have to cry infront of the boys.

J: It's okay...Amy will be okay...

M: But...B-but...

J: No...she will be. She will...

Mark just cry's more until someone knocks on the door.

B: One person can go now...

Damn they had been in there for forever...

Mark and Jack walk out and Wade, Bob, and Mark discuss who goes first. It ends up being Mark and the rest wait outside the door.

Mark goes into Amy's little room and she doesn't look too good at all. Her lip, busted. He forehead, stitched up with 8 stitches above her eye. Her arm, in a sling. One leg held up by a machine and wrapped in cast or gauz or something. Mark sat next to her and held her hand. He cried as he looked at her. 

M: Amy...if you can hear me...I want you to know I'm so sorry, for everything. I remember the good times...and the bad. But I focus more on the good. I've got a boyfriend-well...sorta...but I know you'd love him. He's energetic and kind. I hope you come out of this, Amy...please...

Mark kissed her hand and walked out. Bob went in next then Wade.

J: Mark...

M: Yeah?

J: Bob and Wade told me we made a cute couple.

M: They don't know I'm...

J: I didn't tell them they just said it out of no where.

M: Wow...Was it that obvious?

Suddenly doctors come down the hall and into Amy's room. Mark peaks in and they are just checking on her. Then one of them gasps. They lean over her and it sounds as if they're talking then the lady runs out to us.

"Which one of you is Mark!?"

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