Black Roses

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For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

- Romans8:38-39


In the beginning,
There was nothing
But God created heaven and earth
And there came human breath.

Darkness covered the abyss
While the Divine Spirit swept over the waters,
Out of darkness there was light,
And twinkling stars at night.

You who loves black,You who prefers to stay in the darkDon't be scared of the evil's bark For I will make your eyes spark, Turn your life into a beautiful park

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You who loves black,
You who prefers to stay in the dark
Don't be scared of the evil's bark
For I will make your eyes spark,
Turn your life into a beautiful park.

For even how black life is
I'm always here to give you ease,
Telling you that darkness is not the end
So don't let your love, faith and hope descend,
In times of trial and difficulties your plea and prayers in heaven ascend.

For even how black life isI'm always here to give you ease,Telling you that darkness is not the endSo don't let your love, faith and hope descend,In times of trial and difficulties your plea and prayers in heaven ascend

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Beloved I give you these Black Roses
Symbol of my love so powerful
It alone can defeat the evil and prideful
And their lose I will bring to the burning pool.

Like the black roses,
Flowering amidst darkness
I hope you may beautifully bloom
For life must go on
Until everything will be fine soon.

Like the black roses,Flowering amidst darkness I hope you may beautifully bloom For life must go on Until everything will be fine soon

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A bouquet of roses from the Divine Lover (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now