Finale: Assorted Roses

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I will call those who were not My people, 'My people,'
And her who was not beloved, 'beloved.
                                  - Romans 9:25


If there's unity in diversity
Then, there's beauty in variety.

You who preferred assorted one
Would you love to hear
' You're my precious one.'
Though sometimes you're thinking of someone,
Inside my heart you remain the only one.

Receive this bouquet
Symbol of my love so infinite
Whether you're definite or indefinite
My love for you generate
For I alone can make your heart complete.

These roses so lovely,
Were planted to make you happy.
So don't be lonely,
Wear your sweet smile everyday,
And live life meaningfully
As if it's your last day.

All of you who loves roses,
You're like these roses in my hand.
Your colors might differ from one another,
Yet you're all pleasing in the eyes of your Maker.
You were gathered and wrapped together
By me,
Who is your Divine Lover.

I won't get tired sending you roses everyday....
May you receive it wholeheartedly.

Your Divine Lover,
Jesus Christ 😘.

The End...

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank kirstyt97 for her generosity in making this wonderful short video clip.
Lots of thanks dear.🥰❤️❤️❤️


All honor, glory and praise belong to You Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

At last, I already finished and completed this book.
Thanks for all the love and support dear.🥰

I will be forever grateful to this special friends of mine here in Wattpad
for the love, prayers, inspirations and encouragements.❤️


God bless you all!😇🙏

See you in my other books.

Embrace you with love and prayers ,
God's Beloved 1012😘.


A bouquet of roses from the Divine Lover (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now