To Know Their Secret

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This story revolves around a girl who knows a dark secret, one which she is positive she wasn't supposed to know.

To Know Their Secret: Preview 

 August 1, 2010.

 Dear Diary,

 Over the summer, I was considered the observer. I had watched everyone, staying in the shadows. I was frightened. No, I was terrified.  Nothing had shaken me so badly, nothing that had basically frozen me in place. I overheard my parents consider taking me to see a shrink, but that won't help. I can't tell anyone. Because if they know I know about them.....I'd be a dead man, or woman, walking.

 My mother had gotten me this journal a few days ago, wishing I'd write what's been on my mind, but....I fear that if I put it down on paper it will haunt me until eternity. Well, I fear they will haunt me until enternity. And they can. You have no idea of the risk I'm taking to write this much.


Kaylee Ballard.

 I quickly hid my new journal inbetween my two mattresses and walked up to my full body mirror.

 'I can't be suspicous. They'd kill me.' I thought to myself, tugging on my shirt. School is to start in a few days, and I can't let them figure me out, so I've been practicing being my old self, a happy-go-lucky girl. I spread a fake smile across my features, but I still failed to make it look realistic. I frowned.

 I heard a knock on my door and immediately twirled around, with my arms raised protectively.

 "Honey, may I come in?" I heard my mother call softly. I slowly dropped my arms.

 "Yea," I answered. My door creaked open and her small, fragile body made its way in.

 "Are you going to come down to eat with us this morning?" She asked politely, as if worrying that I will disappear if frightened.

 I bit my lip and looked around the room. I felt as if this was my only safe zone in this world now. I had my windows all locked, not to mention the black paper covering them; I had protective webs, like dream catchers of all sorts covering the walls; and this is where I practiced my defensive manuvours. You know, just in case.

 "Sweetheart?" She inquired, when I didn't answer at first. I looked at her and sighed, as I looked at her nearly pleading face.

 "Umm, maybe? I don't know." I said, looking away. She placed a hand on my knee, which made me wince involentaraly.

 "Kaylee, what has you so frightened? You can tell me, dear." She pleaded, but I just shook my head.

 "But I can't." I whispered, eyeing the floor. I heard my mom sigh and shrug to her feet.

 When she reached the door, she turned to say something, but then thought better of it and continued on her way.

 I walked back over to my bed, and just fell into it, wishing for more sleep. And my wish was granted. Well, along with a nightmare.


 I was in a forest, jumping at every snap of twigs or crunch of leaves. I felt eyes on me, watching me, following me, as I made my way throughout the woods. But, it proved to be hopeless. I was lost.

 "Where might you be going?" An Angelic voice spoke, trapping my feet to the forest floor. "The party has only just begun."

 "What do you want with me?" I asked, but I already knew the answer. Even without looking at the person, or creature, who spoke, I knew who it was.

 "You know..." in a flash, in was right behind me, breathing in my ear. "Too much."

 I shivered as his hands found their way to my waist, locking me in place, unable to move.

 "This will only hurt a little." He whispered, his breath caressing my jaw,  then my neck as he slowly moved down. I could feel his unnaturally sharp teeth graze my skin. Then right before he bit, I shot up in bed, laughter ringing in my ears. I looked around my dark room, but saw no one. 

 Who had laughed? 

Sorry it's short, but this is a preview of my newest story. Does it sound interesting?




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