Tribe Info

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The Tribe Of Running Wind Info.

They have dens for every rank. They sometimes have extra dens for pets and some baits. Winds dens are separated by family.

Winds dens, 10 sticks each, can hold 5 cats each and cost 2 sticks per upgrade to add a cat.

Runners Den, 20 sticks they like to keep it spacious for the runners so it can only house 5 cats and takes 4 sticks to add space for another cat.

Messenger Den, 10 sticks can house 4 cats 2 of which will be apprentices.

Hunters Den, 20 sticks to make it can house 10 cats cost 2 sticks to add space for another cat.

Healers den, 20 sticks can house 10 cats though most of its space is for sick or injured cats it it costs 2 sticks per new cat.

Successors Den, 20 sticks can house 10 cats and costs 2 sticks per new cat.

Nursery, 20 sticks can house 10 cats and costs two sticks for room for another cat.

Bait Den, 20 sticks can house 20 cats and houses prisoners along with bait. Costs 1 sticks for room for another cat.

The tribe believes that you can choose what you want to be. The only things you can't always train to be as an apprentice is Baits and Winds or any thing that has too many cats in it already. They also believe that family members should be close. This makes it so that some family members have the same mate.

That's all of the info I can think of right now.

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