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   9 months since the day their love seed starts to sprouting now growing healthily inside his mom's womb. Nine couldn't held his excitement anymore. The baby that he intentionally keeping the gender secret to himself is going to born anytime soon. He smiling while imagining how cute their baby would be. He really hopes that the baby will look a lot like Joong if it's a boy. Maybe a cute girl that looks like her. 

  Nine chuckles and continues to fold all the small newborn outfit that his families and friends gave. All of them were neutral in color so they doesn't need to buy more clothes for their next kid. He can feel a few soft kicks from the baby. "Calm down,little baby. Are you excited as I do?" Suddenly, a warm and strong arms circling around Nine's small frame. "Let's sleep,Nine. Tomorrow we're heading to the hospital. I don't want you to get tired." 

   Then,both of them went to their room and lay down on their side of bed. Joong pulls his little wife into his embrace and kissing his forehead.

 "i'm gonna miss you... I'd rather stay by your side. Always."  Nine suddenly said.

"You love that bad,my love?" 

"Of course, you are my bubbly boo and naughty one too."

"Why so sudden,Nine?" 

"Joong, if I died during deliver would you take care of our baby?"

"Don't said that,Nine." Said Joong looking at Nine's  face.

"Just answer me,Joong."

" Of course I will,Nine. They are mine too."

"I love you,Joong."

"Love you too,my Love"

They feel into a deep slumber in each others arms after those pillowtalks. But, Nine's words keeps bugging Joong's mind.

     The next day, they woke up an hour early than usual to pack for their 3 days and 2 nights stay at Metro Maternity Hospital. Joong load up their trunk with the bags and they head to Nine's favorite breakfast sidewalk stall. Everyone seems to shock at Joong's presence. The son of the powerful Aydin family eat at the sidewalk stall. Surely tomorrow will be the trending ttopics on the internet. 

     They ate in silence and sometimes exchanging small conversation and smiles. For them,it's such a small gesture but everyone around them were envied by their sweetness. 

     After the meal.they head straight to the hospital. Joong parked at the VIP parking lot and both of them head straight to the hospital reception counter.

    "Good morning,Mr.Aydin. The VIP room for your wife already been settled. And, on 10:30 am Dr.Suppapong will be checking on your wife for the last check up. Mr. Nattapol will lead you and your wife to the room." Said the male nurse enthusiastically. 

     Another male nurse lead them to their room. Joong put all the bag in place before helping his lovely wife to settle down. He helped his pregnant wife to wore the blue colored hospital robe. Right when Nine sat on his bed, Dr.Suppapong came inside their room with some equipment that were neatly placed on a metal trolley that were pushed by his assistant. 

   "Uncle Saint, it's been a long time!" said Joong. Saint smile at his best friend's son and his pregnant wife. "Hi,Love birds! We meet again!" said Saint with full excitement. "Let me do some small check up on you, sweetie. " Saint put on his stethoscope put the diaphragm on Nine's back. "Breath in. 1.. 2.. 3.. Okay now breath in. 1.. 2.. 3.." Nine follow Saint's instruction. Then, the doctor put on the blood pressure machine's cuff to check on the pregnant guy's blood pressure. "The heart rate is normal. Blood pressure is fine.No problem. Let's see the baby's position." 

    As it's supposed to be. Everything is going just fine. Saint already check on the opening and maybe tomorrow they can proceed the labor. It makes Nine felt both nervous and excited. He make himself comfortable as Saint already gave him some medicine . The IV tubing makes him uncomfortable to get to sleep. His other hand were held tight by his husband. "Aren't you tired,Joong?" asked Nine to his husband. Joong let a soft smile decorating his handsome face and shook his head. " What do you want to name the baby, Joong?" Nine asked Joong as he caressing the latter's head. " If it's a boy, I'm going to named it Daw Channarong. If it's a girl, maybe Malee Malivalaya will do. How about you,Love? I'm sure you know the best." 

     "I got nothing in my mind,Joong. The name you've chosen are really beautiful. What's the meaning?"

     " Daw means bright and beautiful stars. Channarong means an experienced warrior. Means our son will be the bright , beautiful ,handsome and brave like his daddy." said Joong. Nine slapped his husband's hand slowly. 

    " How about Malee Malivalaya?"

    "Malee means flower while Malivalaya is jasmine. Sweet and beautiful like his mommy." Joong said and kiss his wife's hand making Nine blushed.

    " Love you so bad, Joong Archen Aydin. Forget me not."

    " Love you too, Nine Kornchid Aydin. And I will never ever forget you and stop loving you."

A good night kiss were shared and both of them fall in a deep slumber.

    It's   3 in the evening when Nine's water broke. He wails in pain and Saint and his paramedics team were busy handling the young pregnant man. Heart rate reader were clipped on Nine index finger. The sound of beeping machines and doctors murmurs filled the operation room. Nine were given a right amount of anesthesia. The doctor starts the C-section process like how they planned it to be. 

   45 minutes passed by. Still, no news were given. Joong walked back and forth in front of the operation room. Mew and Gulf were sitting on the bench with Jimmy and Tommy as both of the couples prays for the best for their son and in-law. Usually, Cesarean took about 30- 45 minutes but Nine still inside the operation room. About 10 minutes later, a loud cry were heard and the doctor let a loud sigh as they could heard it to the outside of the room. 

   A loud continuous beeping sound entered their ears. 

   The beep continues to ring even after the last defibrillation. 

The operation door were greeted with a tearful Saint and grief looking paramedics. Their robes were full of Nine's blood. The 40's doctor can't said anything and said a really soft apologies. 

     Joong fell on his knees.

    Tommy fainted on his husband's lap as Jimmy let out all his tears. 

    Mew tried to calm Gulf down as he himself were crying.

    It's a sight that are heartbreaking and full of grief. 

"Uncle Saint, m-may I ?" Saint know what Joong meant by and nod his head. Joong push himself to walk despite his wobbly legs. He open the white cloth that covers Nine's face. Revealing a pale white face with a small smile decorating the face as if he was happy before he close his eyes forever. 

"Nine. Open your eyes,please! Darling,please I beg you! Don't leave me my love! How about the baby? How about our baby,Nine? Our baby need a mom and the mom is you,Nine! Nine, please !" Joong continues to wail and scream until Saint put him to sleep with a shot of anesthesia.

    Joong felt like his body went light as darkness engulfing him. Suddenly, a light comes near him. "Who's that?" Asked Joong. As the figure want near him he could see clearly his lovely Nine's face. "It's me,Joong." Said Nine with his sweetest smile. 

   Joong hug the thin guy without any hesitation. Nine hug his husband back but let him go after a long seconds. "Take care of our prince Daw ,Joong. Take care of him really well. Make him eat well, no ice cream before dinner, no games after 9. And, please don't be sad. I hate to see you crying like that,Joong. I'll be waiting for you here. Don't worry,my Love. I will love you eternally. Promise." Nine said as he pulls out his pinky finger. Joong stares at the beautiful pair of eyes before wrapping his pinky around Nine's. " I promise."

   They shared their one last kiss before Nine vanished as a flowers flying through the air. 

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