Anxiety Description

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I am trapped. Trapped in this place that is my safe place, but at the same time the place I dread the most. Here, there is absolute freedom, I can say whatever I want, but there is no one to listen. Here inside my mind, I explain everything to everyone. Everything makes sense. But, alas, there is actually no one to hear my words. I want out, but what if people laugh? What if no one understands? I want others to know my thinking, but what if? I want to go out into the world, be sociable, meet new people, but what if I mess up? So I stay inside my head, scared, thinking what if? I want out so desperately, but I need the security of my safe place, my mind. Oh, how I wish to be able to communicate like many others, to know exactly what to say. To not worry about every single mistake I could possibly make.

Always keep in mind that you can never fully know the struggles others are going through physically and mentally.

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