Chapter One

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Narnia's POV

"Shit shit shit" I swang the door open and run out of the house with a rush. I could just picture Dylan's face right now, red and furious, am so late he is gonna kill me. I really wasn't keen on watching where I was going and more on zipping up my huddy as I run. Suddenly I was knocked down and hit my head slightly on the sidewalk as I felt something, someone, fall on top of me. "Shit" I cursed but as I was about to start a fit, I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful guy my eyes had ever had the privilege to gaze upon. He was looking down at me with wide eyes, correct, wide beautiful large blue eyes which were so memorising if I may say so. Underneath I could feel his hard body on mine and it sent a chill down my spine, call me a slit but I never wanted this to end but of course fate was going to be a bitch to me. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" the gorgeous guy said as he shifted his weight alittle and got off of me making me frown inwardly. He held out his hand down to me which I gladly took as he pulled me up. Once I was on my feet I got a better look at him, he had blonde hair, tall and from how masculine he was I could tell he played sports. I didn't realize I was stearing at him till he cleared his throat to get my attention. "I...I.." I stuttered trying to choke out words. Wow what was up with me am normally so composed I mentally facepalmed at how embarrassing this was. He was about to say something when my phone rung, I pulled it out and Dylan's name popped up the screen. I let out a sigh and pressed at the green button to accept the call and immediately regretted when I heard him bark out "Get your ass here now!" Huh leave it to Dylan to crush the mood. I ended the call with another curse under my breath as I muttered a hush "sorry" before dashing off to the next block where Dylan's house was. Dylan Rodger has been my best friend since forever, seriously ,there is no memory I have that he isn't there. He and I started this thing of ours, party planning, since we threw the best parties guys from our school now paid us to plan any and every party they had. I really don't remember how it became a thing but it is now and that's why I was in such a rush, he and I were to plan Chloe Hamlten's suprise birthday party today. It is tiering at times but still worth it.

Tyler's POV

So that was awkward, like very awkward. That chic definitely was checking me out which was a confidence boost for me but it sucks before I could at least get her name but I could get used to this. Dad made us move again and it is so tiering, seriously this is the third move since I started highschool which means I was gonna be enrolled in a new school for the third time and hopefully the last since it is my senior year. I actually thank Dad for this move after what happened in my last school 'Pine High' and am greatful that Dad didn't find out a thing and it's going to stay that way. I really don't want a repeat of what happened, it was pure hell but I think am gonna do good here and hopefully get to meet that chic sooner rather than later.

Narnia's POV
When I got to Dylan's I just let myself in like I always did and walked up to his room and as I walked in I was greeted by a very pissed off looking Dylan but as soon his eyes landed on me his expression soften. I walked over to him and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek like I normally do "Hey kiddo what took you so long to get here, your house is like literally a block away" he asked playfully and I rolled my eyes at him "First off don't call me kiddo, uu are only like one year older than me and secondly am sorry am late..."I trailed off then added"...on second thought am not sorry" I finally said as my mind raced back to thirty minutes ago "You lost me there, why aren't you sorry?"he asked curiously "Coz what just happened to me was epicly epic" I gusshed. He perked up at that and pointed down to the bed as he sat on the floor Indian style "Sit and spill, don't dare leave anything out" he said as I made my way towards the bed and made myself comfortable. "So...I just met this crazily gorgeous guy earlier, actually he kinda bodied me down and practically fell on top of me"I gusshed "He didn't hurt you, did he?"he asked with obvious worry in his voice "On the contrary, I liked the feeling of him being on top of me like that" I said smirking devilishly "Flirt" he coughed out "Am no flirt"I defended myself but obviously the thought otherwise. He put a hand on his chin and acted as if he was thinking about something that asked camly "Do you remember what you did in Angelika's party three years ago? I mean the Kevin insident?" My head fell in my hands as I hid my face from him so he couldn't see my embarrassment and said "Ok, ok yeesh am a flirt just don't remind me of that" he chuckled at that "So what's his name? " I sighed " I didn't get to ask" "But why, you seem to like him?" I wanted to punch him "Coz as I was about to you called and practically barked at me to get my ass here" I said accusingly "Oh so it's my fault?" He asked sarcastically throwing his arms in the air "Basically, it is" "Ok sorry, maybe if you are in luck you would meet him again" "Yeah, maybe, anyway let's get to work, that party ain't gonna be planing itself you know" We worked on it for five hours straight and by the time we were done I was exhausted. " You wanna watch a movie or play video games?" Dylan asked as he stretched and yawned "Movie, my pick is Grown-ish" "No, no ,no you made me watch that thing five times no end so no I ain't doing it again" he protested " Please Dylan" I pleaded "No way in hell am I sitting though that again. This time I am gonna choose and don't give me those puppy eyes, they'll take you no where" "Ok fine but no horrors, they give me the creeps" I said slightly shaking at the thought of the horror movie Dylan once made me watch "Am picking a horror movie"he announced "Let's rock paper scissors for it. If I win we are watching Grown-ish and if you win we will watch that horror freak show of yours" he chuckled but agreed "On the count of three...Rock paper scissors shoot" "I believe that scissors cut through paper just fine"he teased "Ok fine you win no need to rub it in" "Just alittle. And don't be afraid to hold on to me when you get scared or start crying" he teased further "Oh come on, as if you didn't cry when we watched Shadow Hunters and Alec almosed died, you are such I cry baby" I teased and hit him slightly on the shoulder "Shut up" he huffed and put on a moves called 'Creep' which already creeped me out ooh wait word play, yey! Thirty minutes into the movie and I was on Dylan's lap trembling, my head buried in his chest as his hand dug into my hair as he played with it which was surprisingly calming. That movie was so mest up, I mean there are just so many times you can see people dye in nasty ways before it really gets to you. Dylan switched it off once he realised how bad I was taking it and he most definitely knew I was crying since my tears soacked his shirt "Sorry Narnia" he whispered in a hush loving tone as he tighten his grip on me making me feel safe as he comforted me. I eventually got hold of myself and sat up reviling my tear stained face, he wiped my tears away and made a funny face which immediately made a smile creep up on my face "You good now?" "Yeah,I just need one last hug" and with that he tucked me into his chest "Feel better?" "Yes" Once I was calm he said playfully "Who's such a baby again???"

Yeah so that's the first chapter hope you all enjoyed it and will more as I continue updating it 😁😁😁 wow am so excited I could cry😂😂😂 but I won' saving the tears for later...if uu want uu can send in your predictions as we go... Am again ur comments r all welcomed by plz go easy on me...oh and uu can ship whoever uu want in this story 😘😘😘 t will b fun to see who got it right 😅😅😅 geez am gushing... sorry am too exited❣️❣️❣️ love uu all my lovely readers 👋👋👋

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