Chapter Three

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Tyler's POV

Wow it's been quite a month, Narnia, Dylan and I have gotten alot closer and to top it off the guys from basketball have also become some of our closest friends. Our table has become more packed but hey the more the merrier right. "Hey guys tonight we are all going out to see a movie since it's a Friday" Nick commanded rather than asked but it's still cool "Am up for that" Ryan said "Me too" Josh said as everyone else agreed exept Dylan "I can't, I planned on staying home tonight" he said "Oh come on Dylan loosen up" Narnia said with a smile " Am loosen up as it is" he deadpanned "Ha! Kill joy" I laughed "Hey am no kill joy" "Nop, you are too uptight, you don't like fun" "I like fun" "No you don't" "Yes I do infact al come with you guys tonight" "Good" "Fine" "Tyler now that was impressive" Josh told me "I try" I said turning back to Dylan who looked like he just realized what I did "No take backs" I told him before he had chance to say anything "Ah shoot!"he said with an annoyed look as I chuckled at his childishness. As I got to spend more time with him this past month I learned that he was easy to piss off and I used it against him countless times, he really is a hot head. The day rushed by and before I knew it we were all at the movies "So what are we going to watch?" Hunter asked as we got in "I was thinking maybe a horror movie" Nick said with a shrug "No" Narnia said almost immediately "She is a cry baby so if you don't wanna end up being kicked out I suggest you pick anything else" Dylan said with a laugh as he threw his arms around Narnia who elbowed him in the gut "What was that for?" He said still holding his belly "Am no cry baby" Narnia whined "Oooh really then let's watch 'Creep'" "No, ok ok am a cry baby so no horror movies"she said glaring at all of up "Ok so what should we watch" "The only other movie playing tonight is 'Angry Birds'' Liam said "Am not watching that" Ryan protested "Ok so then let's go out to the lake  skinny dipping"Hunter said then suddenly remembered that Narnia was with us, we all turned to look at her "Am not doing that" "Then we are at a dead end" Jake spoke up for the first time tonight "I have an idea, ice skating"Dylan suggested and we all agreed. In about ten minutes we were there. Hi ce skating was fun, when we got there Dylan and Narnia took the lead they were pretty good on the ice. I laughed so hard when I say Nick struggling to be on his feet, dude was the worst skater the world has ever seen "Hey Tyler let's race"Dylan called out to me "Good idea, but I hope you are ready to loose" We all gathered around as Narnia did the count down. Shit Dylan was a good skater and needless to say he beat me "You said something about me loosing?"he mocked "Oh shut up"I said catching my breath "Dude, with what I just saw my grandpa could beat you with his eyes closed"Jake teased and they all laughed,I couldn't help but join them. The rest of the night went ok and by the time I got home I was so exhausted I just dropped myself on my bed like a sack of potatoes and passed out. The next day since I had no plans with my friends I decided to text Narnia

Hey Narnia wondering if I could come over...I have to talk to uu about something...

I sent the text and almost immediately ishe texted back

Ok give me like ten minutes to make myself look presentable athen you can come over

I did as she said and even gave her ten more minutes just to be sure then went over. "Hey" I asked as she opened the front door "I said ten minutes but well boys will be boys" she said with a laugh "I was being a gentleman" "By keeping me waiting?" She asked with a raised eyebrow "Yup, now aren't you going to be a darling and let me in or are we just going to stand here all day"I joked and she moved over and let me in then led me to her room "So, what is this important thing you wanted to talk to me about?" "Ha! Down to business, no chit chat first?"I laughed then continued "Ok so I kinda really like you Narnia, I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend" i said scratching the back of my neck. Her eyes went wide with suprise "I will totally get it if you don't want that, don't feel pressured" "Are you kidding me, I was waiting for you to ask me that from the day we met" she said in exitment "So is that a yes?" "Is the sky blue" she asked sarcastically "uhm yes it is," I said unsure of where this was going "It was a trick question Tyler and yes al be your girlfriend" I smiled at her as she hopped off her bed and came over to me giving me a tight hug "I can't wait to tell Dylan"she said sweetly. I hugged her back and we hung out for a while before I left. This is the only way I know that could keep me in the clear especially now that I think Dylan is on to me. He still does trust me completely and he convinced that am hiding something, which I am but he doesn't have to know that.

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