White cats

16 1 3

Meh favrit seng :3  ^^^^^

White cats are kinda the same as black cats. But white. Again, you can choose a name, but if you can't decide, then just answer the questions. BTW what the question asks doesnt matter, its just the answers. 

Names that i hate for white cats


White, frost, snow, cloud


Q: Do you like Blackstar's Too White and Nerdy? A: Yes = Cirrus. I like the song but the animation doesn't matter that much = Cumulus. I like the animation but not the song = Flurry. 

Q: Do you absolutely love all of Mama Tad's animations? A: YES!!!!!! = Wolf. No = Poop. a few of them = Nimbus. (sorry i keep naming clouds :3) Most of them = Swan.

Q: If I made a youtube channel named [future me, insert a name] would you watch it? A: YES!! = Chamomile. No = Poop. I really would want to, but probably wouldn't = Egret

Future me, put a yes [here] <--- here once i get a youtube channel :(

Q: Do you think it's super annoying when people role playing people make themselves an apprentice age and then call themselves a warrior, or some other info problem? YES!!! = Tooth. Not really = Heron. I do that = WHY??? IT IS SO ANNOYING!! 

Q: When I make a Warriors game on Roblox, will you play it? Yes = Cotton. No = Bone. I don't play Roblox = Garlic. I really want to say i would, but i probably wouldn't = Milk

Q: Do you play Minecraft? YEEEEESSSS!!!!!!! = Moon. BRO THAT DIED LIKE FOREVER AGO = poop

...Time for the prefixes! Again, you could just randomly choose one, but if you're having trouble choosing, use the last letter of your teacher's last name. Also i just noticed the Questions don't really help cuz you could answer all of them. I guess just choose the question that you'd like or are 100% sure of your answer?

A: Storm

B: Fire

C: Flame

D: Frost

E: Crawl

F: Moon (if you get Moonmoon change this to flight)

G: Light

H: Spirit

I: Shadow

J: Drop

K: Tear

L: Flower

M: Petal

N: Bite

O: Shine

P: Pad

Q: Fall

R: Nose

S: Song

T: Eye

U: Call

V: Foot

W: Muzzle

X: Mouth

Y: Curl

Z: Feather

I got Wolfsong. That is my OC's name, I actually made this specifically so that I would get my OC. Comment what you got! 

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