A Random Part

10 1 7

This is random and has nothing to do with the name generator.

Comment WAFFLE next to the ones that are true. All of them I can say WAFFLE for, so let's see about you.


You say some things instead of other things (example Confuzzled instead of confused, or skizzers instead of scissors)

You have a random weird habit thingy that's less of a habit and more some thing you just DO? I don't know how to explain it, but I do it by always jumping over this "invisible line that comes out of the corners of the walls" DO NOT ASK WHY!!!

You call your pet (sorry if you don't have a pet) a weird nickname, or just something else like 'oohhhhh the lil cutie' 

You like one youtuber/singer/something else that no one else does/has never heard of/ hates

you are a weirdo, like weird weird, other people consider you weird too, you aren't just one of the popular people trying to seem nice by calling themselves weird even though they are so popular and not weird at all

Iqo Ozgtyfudzg ukpf. This is a language I made up with my friend. DO NOT comment unless you know what it says >:3

You have/had stupid ideas that you were really proud of in yourself, but wouldn't tell anyone else because looking back, they were super dumb. I've had so many ideas like these. I wanted to make a little corner in my house into a wolf den using paper mache boulders, I want to buy a whole bunch, like a WHOLE BUNCH, of land and turn it into protected forests, I want to make outdoor Roomba thingies to clean the outdoors in places like parks, sides of roads, etc. Those were some of my ideas. Also yes, I STILL want to buy land and turn it into a forest, and I STILL want to make outdoor Roomba to clean up stupid people's dropped litter. Those are both part of the same project. Please peoples luv da earth and all its SLOWLY DYING ADORABLE WILDLIFE

You always want to act like the cool kid character from a movie/T.V. show after you watch it (example you want to act like a spy after watching Carmen Sandiego or Kim Possible, or you want to act all tough and smart-fighty after watching, say, a Rainimator video)

You know the entire lyrics to a cringy/old song. Or just a song that nobody's ever heard of before.

Thank you for WAFFLE-ing with me :3 Now go back to the name generator. You've been wasting your time!! I SAID GO!! CLICK 'CONTINUE TO NEXT PART'!!

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