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This was a little short story that was inspired by this beautiful drawing:



                His foot fell softly as is hit the wet leaves that littered the ground, barely breaking the blissful silence. Above him the tree’s branches reached for each other, tangling together as if in embrace. Peace echoed through the isle of trees. Such peace that could be found nowhere else. He took another step, slipping his bare feet amongst the leaves to touch the earth. It would look strange to anyone watching. In full armour but he had left his boots at the edges of the trees. Here he could smell it, the rich scent of nature all around him, he could feel it against his feet, against his skin as branches brushed his face and tugged his braid.

                “Oran,” his name drifted across with wind. His eyes lifted to meet hers, dark to light.

                She waited for him, amongst the trees. Her dress was a beautiful shifting colour, appearing white only to fade to a shade of pink of orange in the light. An ache blossomed in his chest at the sight of her. How he loved her.

                He could remember meeting her, it seemed like so long ago that they had met yet it had only been a year. It had been hate at first sight. He could remember so clearly.

                “You are wrong!” She stood from her place, knocking her chair back.

                Her hands came down to the table in fists. He sighed, letting his papers fall from his fingers to the table. She was young, he could hear it in her voice.

                He looked up slowly, calmly. “The facts are not in dispute, wrong doings have already been done. By both sides.” His eyes found her quickly. She was young, probably only a hundred or so. Her hands were clenched upon the table. He lifted his eyes to seek her face. She was very beautiful, long, shinning, dark hair fell free down her back, bright eyes stared him down. He would not back down. “It was, is, if you do not allow this council to settle the matter, a war. People took the wrong path; death was met with death, pain with pain. I am only trying to bring to light what transgressed so that it may be settled and live may be spared.”

                “You accuse my people of actions that were fuelled by the desperation only war can bring. How can they be held accountable for what they themselves would not have done if your people had not started this war?” She spoke clearly but he could see she was forcing herself to be calm.

                He tensed. She was insulting, insolent. But he had better control then she.

                “The same way that in a moment, when I am done ‘accusing’ people, one of your speakers will do the same to mine.”

                She opened her mouth but before she would say a word her Lady held up but a finger and the woman was silenced. She sat, and stared at him from the rest of the council.

                He had lingered, after the room was cleared. She had remained in her seat, no longer heading his presence in the room. He crossed the room to her, standing beside her chair. She glance up, a look of disgust on her face and pushed her chair away, making to leave.

                He reached out and grabbed her arm, halting her. She spun, her hand raised. This too he grabbed as it came to his face. She was stuck in his hands. The women struggled but before she could cry out he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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