Chapter 2: Empty World - 1999

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Day 12 Prison World - 1994
Real World - 1999
3rd POV

Sally has been in the empty world for twelve days now without seeing anyone at all and it makes her feel very uneasy. There's no adults to help her, but none to hurt her either. She's been staying at the store to eat and play with the toys.

It was when she was at the front of the store that she saw him though, he was tall and he reminded her of Josh. His hair color was the same. Quickly she runs and hides behind the counter praying that he won't find her.

Kai walks into the store with a blank face, he knows that whoever arrived to this world is in this store. It's a weird feeling in his chest that he can't seem to explain, which pisses him off. . He knows that whoever it is, is here.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." He says in a sing song voice, making her even more afraid as she tries to fit under the counter.

She wraps her arms around herself tightly, she just wants to feel safe for once. Tears burn in her eyes, she's just so scared.

"Come on now," Kai says tauntingly as he walks around the store loudly, hitting things. "I'd like to meet the new guest of the Prison World. There's only the two of us"

Sally freezes in fright, why is her luck so bad, she wanted safety, how is this safe? Can she outrun him, she's little, maybe she can sneak past him quickly. Deciding to make a run for it she rushes towards the exit when he's out of sight.

When he hears someone running Kai turns and he sees what seems to be a little kid making a run for the exit. With a sigh he chases after the little person. Why would a little person be put in the Prison World?

It doesn't take him to long to catch up to her, he wraps his arm around her little self and picks her up as she kicks at him and screams "Let me go, let me go, I won't hurt anyone I swear. Let me go grandpa."

"I'm not your grandpa kid." Kai says with a small chuckle as he carries her while she tries to get away from him.

"Liar, liar" she screams as tears breach her eyes while she fights against his hold, she doesn't care if she falls, she just needs to get away, "you look just like Grandpa Josh. You're going to kill me."

"Josh?" Kai asks then, keeping his hold on the little person right "Josh Parker?" He asks for clarification.

"Let go" she screams again while he's half tempted to break her little neck just to shut her up, but he does have questions.

"Well Kid, I think we may be related, now why would Grandpa Josh hurt you?" Kai asks as he walks towards one of the homes across the street.

"Because I'm just like my father." She shouts irritably as she holds back her tears, she was always hurt if she cried.

Kai hums as he opens the door to a house and he carries her into a room, locking the door behind him. He sits her down and she quickly backs away from him. "and who is your father?"

"I don't know!" She says with a sniffle as she backs away from him as far as she can get "Gramps said he was sent away. He was . .he was a . .abommamation?" She says with a scrunched up nose.

"Abomination." Kai asks flatly as he sits in a chair by the door "Why do you call him Grandpa?"

"Cause daddy was . .." She whispers as she looks away, afraid to be near the man who looks like her grandpa.

He looks at her for a long moment, no she can't be his, his girl wouldn't let his father take their daughter, she wouldn't. "Where's your mom?"

Sally shakes her head wildly, she doesn't remember her mom. "TELL ME." Kai yells in her face as he glares at the little girl who's eyes go wide in fright.

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