Chapter 6: Unexpected Guests - May 2nd 2012

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Prison World - 1994
Real World - 2012
Sally is 17/18 Years Old
3rd POV

When Damon and Bonnie arrived in the Prison World, just outside of the cemetery they realized that they were all alone there. "Where are we?" Bonnie asks almost shakily as she looks around the place with a frown.

Damon shrugs his shoulders, his hand still holding hers though he lets go of her quickly. "It looks just like Mystic Falls."

A jolt of raw magic flows through Bonnie, though it's not her own putting her on high alert. "Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?" Damon asks with a huff as he glances around. "This place looks abandoned. There's Mystic Falls cemetery. We're not too far away from where we died."

"We didn't die." Bonnie snaps at him as she rolls her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself as she looks around the place with a frown.

Damon shrugs his shoulders, a slight feeling of unease settling in his gut. There's the feeling of being watched that he's getting and he doesn't like that. In the distance he sees a tall figure and then it's gone. Shaking his head he sighs, perhaps he's just stressed out or something. As they walk towards the cemetery they notice ice built up around it.

"What in the.." Bonnie mutters lowly, trailing off as the cross the threshold for the cemetery.

Their eyes scan the cemetery, crystalized ice was scattered everywhere. On top of a spike was a male body incased in the crystalized ice. Glancing at each other they follow the frozen crystals along the edges, where it leads to the body of a girl that lays prone at the bottom of a willow tree, crystals surrounding her body and her skin ice blue. Her eyes closed and lips frozen partially opened as if taking a last breathe as one of her hands covering her stomach.

"This is.." Bonnie begins to say when they hear a gasp coming from where the man was spiked at the gate of the cemetery.

Bonnie rushes over to the person as Damon mutters under his breathe about her helping people nonsense. But something is drawing him to stay with the prone young woman instead of following after the witch. Deciding to follow his instincts he stays behind with the crystalized woman.

When Bonnie reaches the crystalized person on the pike of the cemetery she hears him cursing. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Then she hears him scream a name just as she reaches him. "Sally, you alright young one? Damn it. Fucking pike."

"Let me help okay?" Bonnie shouts at him causing him to glance at her with a frown as he tilts his head curiously.

"Who are you?" He asks as blood slowly forms in his mouth.

The nice thing about the ice crystals is that he bleeds out much slower.

"Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett." She announces as she tries to access her powers to lift him off of it.

He hums in response as he watches her try to move him up the pike. She's making less progress then he has been. Everyday for god knows how long he wakes up on it and inches his body up. It's unfortunate that he's ended up so deeply stuck. But he hasn't died again.

"If pass out, Bonnie, you need to pull my body off of this damn thing. Understand?" He asks her sharply.

She nods quickly, looking incredibly nervous as she does so. The man is unsettling as he grits his teeth and pushes himself up the pike even farther. Her magic isn't working, she can't even help him right now. Glancing around she see's Damon looking over the female figure in the distance.

Gritting his teeth as he starts to pull himself over the pike he holds back a scream as it tears through his skin and his clothes. "Fuck." He grunts before laughing out loud, making Bonnie uneasy as he shakes his head at himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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