1× Pilot

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The boy roughly rubbed his tired eyes. He walked along the streets ignore the disgusted stares. Don't get them wrong, it is improper and rude to go out in public unhygienic.

His eyes scanned the fogged glass windows looking for a paper that said 'Now hiring!' But he'd always had bad luck, a perfect example was him I don't know, being born. He won the big 'fuck you' lottery ticket, quirkless. No one loved homeless and quirkless and that's exactly what he is. Not even those fake politicians and fake charities loved his kind, but of course, they had to keep face.

His phone vibrated from his pocket. He snagged it out and moved to the side of the sidewalk where people could loiter without getting in other's way. The crunch of snow under his feet followed him. He clicked the familiar green button with shaky cold hand from the unforgiving cold air and lifted it to his ear.

"Hi mom!" He smiles to trick himself into sounding happy for his mother.
"Hi sweetie! I just wanted to check in to see how things are going!" He voice was always so sweet and gentle, washing away his fear and tiredness every time she spoke. Thankfully this was an everyday thing, he could feel at peace at least once a day.

"Everything is going great! Although I should probably clean up the apartment!" He giggled happily. He imagined what his make believe home would be like.
"I could come over and help! How does that sound?" His heart raced, nope! No thanks!!
"Ah- Mom I'm fine! I-I- I'm a grown man now remember? Gotta be independent!"
"Oh alright, but I'll come straight away if you need me to!" She always been a worry wort..
"Mom you're too nice! Anyways my shift's about to start! Gotta go!"
"I nearly forgot! Bye sweetie! I'll hear from you tommorow!" She sounded so lively, not even he could match that now.
"Love you!"
"Love you too!" And with a click the call ended.

He gave another sigh. The wave of everything good in life had already swept over and rushed to get away from him like the plague. Alright. Gotta get a job. He had a simple low-pay flip phone but the bill is due in 2 weeks, no luck with money either.. He has to stay in touch with his mom or everything is going to be revealed! He's been lying to her ever since he 'moved out'. He just didn't want her to worry or be a burden anymore..

Hey! Look! A now hiring paper! He smiled happily and made a fist victoriously. But now for the hard part, getting hired.. He walked into the care and went straight to the counter.

"Hello! How may I help you?" The woman made a pained smile at the sight. Dirt clothes, dirty bag, dirty everything, ratted hair and huge eyebags.
"I saw your Now hiring sign, where can I apply for an application?" He tried his best to give her a polite voice.
"Oh- uhh yeah I'll get the manager." She flashed a quick smile and went to the back.

He crossed his fingers tightly and waited. Please please please please accept! She came right back out with her manager.
"Hi, you can come in the back for an interview!" Oh! Right now? Normally they take a day or two to process it or something. Well it is a small cage so this makes sense. So he happily waltz into the back leaving the girl to her work.

"You can just sit at this table." He gestured for a chair.
"What's your name?" He dived right into the questions after Midoriya sat down.
"Izuku Midoriya."
"Alright Midoriya, why are you interested in this job?" The manager clasped his hands together.
"Ah- well as you can assume I'm in a pickle, I'm homeless right now.." He awkwardly smiles, wasn't that pretty obvious.
"Any job experience?"
"Yeah a few here and there."
"So you have some sort of recommendation?" He opened his hands to make a gesture.
"No, sorry.."
"That's fine, I'll be right back I just have to pull up your file." Oh.. His file. Right..

The man came back with a weak smile plastered on his face.
"I'm sorry Midoriya, we can't accept you here." The reject came quick. Of course, the last straw was always that he was quirkless.
"Ah.. Th-That's alright.. Thank you for interviewing me." He bowed his head and left the room. His head slumped down with defeat and wakes out of the care with the soft jingle ringing above him head.

His visible breath quickly greeted him as well as the cold. The cafe was so warm.. Alright, hopefully he gets lucky again! He lifted his chin and fisted his hand determined, he will get a job whether the damn world like it or not!

And he went straight back to his spot. He lifted out a sign and a cracked cup. Yeah he resorts to begging but that won't stop him from getting that job! This was just temporary!

People passed by, ignoring the shivering beggar.
"Mommy! Can I give that man my allowance?" A kid smiled to their mother and she nodded, smiling sweetly, she sure did raise a sweet child. He walked up to Midoriya and plopped a few yen in.
"Ah- I can't take this, it's your allowance right?" Midoriya grabbed the ten and tried to hand it back.
"Yes sir it is but you can have it! I'll just do more chores!" The little boy waved his hands signaling rejection.
"Thank you." He smiled sweetly. What a kind kid.. That's so rare these days.

"Get a job." One of them scoffed at the tossed a 5 coin yen. Ah great, the happy moment from a few minutes ago just had to be spoiled.
"Thank you sir!" He yelled back, mentally flipping the guy off.

A different man watched as he shuffled through the snow to find the 5 yen the rude stranger carelessly tossed. It was clear that he found it because his face lit up. He happily placed it into the cup with a satisfying clank. So that's how he ended up. Just some homeless guy happy to get any money.

He sighed and walked toward the pitiful sight. He made sure his mask was covering his face and his had his his oh-so recognizable hair. He quickly pulled out a wad of money and threw it at the cup, nailing it of course. Midoriya snapped up his head with wide eyes.
"Sir!? A-Are you sure!? This is a lot!" His mouth practically unhinged from his jaw. The stranger nodded and turned heel.
"Th-Thank you! Thank you so much!" His jaw seemed to snap back to give a huge smile. The man walked off, feeling satisfied with his deed.


Words: 1160

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