3× Nice??

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"Th-Thank you.." He muttered and turned to the showers. He turned the knob and let the warm water drip onto his dirty skin, stripping him of the grime he acquired. He popped open a bottle of wash and smiled when he smelled the fragrance. He quickly slathered his dirty hair and skin, ridding him of more deep rooted grime and dirt. He laughed to himself happily, it felt so good! He's much too blessed..

He hopped out of the steamy shower and happily put on his new clothes, a white t-shirt and sweatpants. He walked out excited and resisted the urge to simply hug the hell out of Bakugou.

"Thank you Kacchan!" He smiled brightly. Bakugou could finally see those freckles of his, how annoying.
"Yeah yeah. Anyways I made a new rule."
"Hm? What is it?" He tilted his head.
"You're required to have a place stay." The words made him freeze in place.
"Um.. Yeah! I-I have a place to go!" He quickly popped out the lie.
"Bullshit." Bakugou immediately shit that shit down, immediately seeing through that lie.
"Wh-What??" He smiled nervously.
"Bull- Fucking- Shit. You don't have to a place to stay."
"I-... Y-Yeah.. I don't.." He poured and stared at the ground in shame.
"You're coming with me." He growls. Midoriya quickly lifted his head in confusion.
"Wait- W-What??"
"Grab your shit and follow me." He pointed to the dirty clothes and his bag.
"Ah- Um okay??" He rushed over to grab his things. Bakugou started to walk and Midoriya rushed to keep up.

Ahhh... Why was he going along with this?? It- It makes no sense! He's his tormenting for God's sake! But.. He's just giving him a job like that. What is he thinking..?

Midoriya struggles to keep up with Bakugou as he walked the streets to an apartment building. After hopping on an elevator he went to his home and unlocked the door.
"You're staying here whether you like it or not." Bakugou angrily turns to the much surprised boy.
"I- I am??" He exclaimed.
"Yes." Bakugou confirmed.
"I'm making dinner sit at the table." He quickly ordered, interrupting the extremely confused male. Midoriya's jaw hung open as Bakugou just walked away to what he assumes is the kitchen. Wait is this him being nice? No, No. He's never! He can't suddenly be nice now. Well people change, right??

He sat at the table. Confused, Happy, and frankly, a little terrified. But most of all, starving. He blushed deeply as his stomach growled louder at the scent of the delicious food. Jesus shut up... He jumped as Bakugou placed the bowl down a little angrily and then say at then opposite end. Midoriya looked down to see the steamy meal.. Katsudon.. His favorite.. He looked up to Bakugou with tears in his eyes.
"Th-Thank you Kacchan."
"Ah- Um. Whatever, just eat." He pointed his chopsticks roughly at Midoriya's food.

Midoriya happily dug in. He hasn't had his favorite every since he moved out. Of course Bakugou remember Midoriya's favorite, he's got a perfect memory, besides remembering people's name of course. They ate in silence, pretty awkward considering all that's happened. I mean Bakugou tormented Midoriya, Midoriya became homeless while Bakugou became the hero he's always said he would be, suddenly they meet and Bakugou just takes him in, just like that.

Speaking of all this, it makes no sense.. How could Bakugou just take him in so easily? Why is he being so nice? Didn't.. Didn't he hate his guts?

The two quickly finished their delectable meal.
"You can sleep on the couch, I don't have a guest room." Bakugou announced.
"Really? Thanks!" He smiled happily. Don't get Bakugou wrong, he's not nice. Not at all, not a single strand of niceness, probably.

He threw a blanket he scrounged around for in his closet.

Hey guys author here!
I'd like to inform you all about the new situation. I'll be quitting the fandom and releasing all of my unfinished chapters. I know this is rather sudden and if you'd like to know a more in depth reason as to why, please visit my profile and look at posts.

I like to write as a go and not plan things out so I'm not entirely sure what would be happening next.

Perhaps it would have gone like this,
Midoriya struggled with his new job seeing as he didn't have any requirements for the job in the first place (he only graduated highschool and was quickly shoved in the work force to help his mother)

Thankfully bakugou was more patient than expected (although definitely yelled a lot; he is a harsh teacher) so Midoriya was able to learn the ins and out of the job and was amazing at it when he was taught properly. Although it was a issue since bakugou not only had to work on hero duty he had to teach someone to work and had to do said person's work.

With the money Midoriya makes he is able to help his mother so much more and even visit her a lot more! Bakugou does find out what's up with Midoriya's mom which made him feel all the more guilty. With the load of work and the huge sense of guilt bakugou lashes out and the two have a huge argument which reveals bakugous feelings about the past and he officially apologizes for everything he's done.

Midoriya was hesitant to forgive (honestly his first reaction was to forgive but he took it back once bakugou scolded him and talked to him on why he should actually think before he forgave) eventually he does forgive him truely after a long and awkward two weeks of thinking.

Maybe this actually turns into a love story or this is just a simple story where two ex bully and victim finally come to terms with each other and are able to start a new leaf and have the type of friendship they should have had in the beginning. (As much as I love bkdk I am liking the second option)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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