2× You're..?

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He sighed and walked toward the pitiful sight. He made sure his mask was covering his face and his had his his oh-so recognizable hair. He quickly pulled out a wad of money and threw it at the cup, nailing it of course. Midoriya snapped up his head with wide eyes.
"Sir!? A-Are you sure!? This is a lot!" His mouth practically unhinged from his jaw. The stranger nodded and turned heel.
"Th-Thank you! Thank you so much!" His jaw seemed to snap back to give a huge smile. The man walked off, feeling satisfied with his deed.

Ahh shit. God, has it been bothering him. He never imagined he's wind up another beggar. Sure he's just a quirkless idiot but damn.. It has bother him so much he stomped up to his main sidekick.
"I need a new assistant" He stated.
"You do?? But sh-"
"Nope she's doing a shitty job we need a replacement."
"Got anyone in mind?" Bakugou paused.
"I'll interview them myself." He broke the silence.
"Are yo-"
"Robber in grocery store one block away!" Someone yelled.
"I'll get that small fry!" Bakugou yelled, along with some of his side kicks. In his agency all of it was a competition he even had to beat his own people to the job, but of course he would everyone.

With a flash he left the building and propelled him through the air. His main sidekick on the other hand and a different duty, hand out fliers that he's gotta print himself. How boring..

Midoriya skimmed through town much more happily looking for another now hiring sign. He wish he had some thicker clothes though, it had snowed all night and doesn't seem to be letting up. There was no way he would spend the generous money on clothes though, that was going to the phone bill. His eyes scanned everywhere but to no avail.

He spotted a man with a pile of papers putting them up on windows. Midoriya walked up to him curiously.
"Oh hi! Would you like one?" He noticed the man walk up and held out a paper. Midoriya gratefully grabbed it and read.
"Assistant? Um.. Is there any chance I would even be accepted?" Midoriya have a weak smile.
"Not up to me! My boss is going to be taking care of interviews!"
"Oh! Where can I find him?"
"At the agency, it's straight ahead, turn left go straight for 3 blocks then turn right and you're there!" Midoriya smiled.
"Thank you very much!" He dipped his head and ran off excited.

Who was Ground Zero anyways? He barely had tv time anymore so the latest heroes are complete enigmas. He followed the instructions carefully and found himself the agency. He giddily walked up the a desk where a woman was typing in things. It was nice and toasty in here too!

"Excuse me?" He called for attention from the woman.
"Oh! Sorry, didn't see you there! How can I help?"
"I heard Ground Zero was looking for an assistant." The woman looked a little troubled but quickly fixed herself.
"Ah yes, just wait here in the lobby. Ground Zero is currently on duty, he should be back here in a little." She politely pointed to the seats which were fuller than normal.

He sat in the seats further then the people there, he was well aware of his hygiene status and seriously hated it. Time ticked by slowly. Painfully slowly. It was so warm.. His tired eyes dragged him to sleep.

Bakugou stomped into his agency after a longer shift than normal, people are sure getting cocky... He looked to the corner where a few people sat.
"Start rolling people in for the interviews." He told the woman at the desk.
"Yes sir!" She straightened herself.

"Hey! Sir! Wake up!" The woman yelled, keeping her distance. He stirred awake and widened his eyes in fear.
"Di-Did I miss the interview?!" He yelped.
"Not yet, you're the last one! Get to it! Ground Zero doesn't like waiting!" Midoriya jumped up.
"Uhh where is it??"
"3rd floor at the very back of the hallway in front of the elevator." With that Midoriya slipped to the elevator.

With the ding he hopped out and dashed to the last door in the hall. He knocked on the door.
"Come in." A deep voice beckoned. He twisted the knob and opened the door. He eyes landed on him... Him. The one who tormented him for his entire life until he enrolled into UA.
"Um! S-Sorry I'll j-just be on my way!" He started to close the door but was stopped by his angry voice.
"Sit down." He ordered. Midoriya hesitated but his old memories flooded in like a storm, making him listen to Bakugou.

"You're hired if you get a damn shower." The sudden words made him jolt. Wait what?
"Huh?? You haven't ev-"
"You want the job or what?" He crossed his arms.
"I-I.. I don't have a place to take a shower Kacchan.." The familiar childish nickname rang into his ear.
"Sure you do. My agency has showers for people who got off duty. Go." He cocked his head to the side.
"Ah- O-Okay.. Where is it..?" He avoided his eyes shyly. Bakugou clicked his tongue.

"Useless little.." He muttered too quiet for Midoriya to hear.
"I'll take you there." He rolled his eyes and got up. Midoriya nervously got up right away and followed his childhood 'friend' down the hall.

Bakugou went to a shelf filled with some clothes in case costumes were damaged during battles and grabbed some a size that looked like they'd fit and tossed it to Midoriya.

"Th-Thank you.." He muttered and turned to the showers. He turned the knob and let the warm water drip onto his dirty skin, stripping him of the grime he acquired. He popped open a bottle of wash and smiled when he smelled the fragrance. He quickly slathered his dirty hair and skin, ridding him of more deep rooted grime and dirt. He laughed to himself happily, it felt so good! He's much too blessed..

I thought it could go other ways but a more awkward and forced one seems to fit.
Words: 1042

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