Chapter 1: 2045 (Main Story)

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The bullets flew one direction as to the other, as a man in a black suit pointed to the way more then five men were shooting.

The man had brown hair, matching the color for his right eye. As to the other was covered in bandages that soon lost the color of snow.

* * *

Would the candy have tasted better if it was after something victorious? Or would it have tasted the same?

Rampo asked himself as he felt the need to eat more candy then he had to.

Poe sat his seat close to Rampo's desk, writing non-stop, he was not aware of Rampo staring at him, lost into deep thought.

"Would it?" Rampo spoke aloud, making Karl jump from his sleeping position and on to Poe.

Poe, eyeing Rampo asked, "'Would it?' What?"

If that was not hard enough for Poe to say, the following questions were about to pop his brain.

"Candy, would candy taste better after you feel victories?," Rampo asked sitting up and holding a hard candy in shape of an egg.

"I-...I don't know," Poe tried to minimize the upcoming convocation.

"Of course you don't," Rampo sighed.

Poe felt his sigh being cut up. Trying to ignore the question, he kept writing as Karl curled up and sat on his head.

The door opened to the sound of heals, a young woman with short black hair up to her neck, came in with a bag of groceries.

"What are you boys up to?" Asked a boy holding a plant close to his chest.

"Nothing much," Rampo held his head up with his hand, "What about you? Kenji?"

The boys smiled, "I went grocery shopping with Akiko,"

Aikio put the bag down and looked the boys, how, just how was I able to survive these kids for so long?, she thought to herself.
Poe looked at the bag of food. You could say the sound of his stomach took over his brain.

* * *

"You think Yokohama is quieter?" Tamaki asked with a smile.

The looks of all 5 guys in the room, he was keeping his voice down but not as low so they could give him an I need classification, look.

"I guess so," The twins from the pack responded at the same time. This ment a yes from both.

"Yokohama," One of the tallest replies fixing his glasses, "If you would say so,"

That was three "yes", this means it would take 5 good reason's for the others to say "no" and explain that.

"Kyoya-chan?" The little boy asked having his yellow hair in the way of his view, "Would you really say 'yes' to this?"

Tamaki felt himself choke on his own saliva. Disgusting- the taller man turned to face the smaller, his glasses sliding down his nose a bit.
Why did Mitsukuni, have to be the "Honey" to the tea?

"Why, I don't see the reason not to, I've never been there myself. How could I be the judge?" Kyoya asked kindly, but with a professional voice he sounded like if he was running for president.

"Oh...Then yes," Mitsukuni nodded filling his mouth with cake, "What about you, Takashi-san?"

The guy sitting next to the club's Honey, glanced at the child like kid. His eyes were intimidating, as they traveled down the cup of tea he held.

"No," Takashi's words feel into Tamaki's ears so loud it echoed all around his body, "I've seen that place many times before,"

"Alone? Huh?" Tamaki asked with a sharp voice.

"Yes, as a matter a fact. It's to crowded, and its peoples territory," He sighed as he made contact with each.

"Well, hum." Tamaki tried to think, but his mind was racing to fast the machine would have exploded. "What about we go to the safest place, the China town there, or where the blossom tress appear?"

The suggestion was given first hand, it was ether declined or countered, Takashi was never so up to things anyway.

"Blossom trees," One of the twins decides to interrupt

Takashi turned his head towards him. "I could take that as an exception, but I'll need to be able to rest under a tree with piece-"

He didn't and wouldn't finish his sentence at once Tamaki took over, "EXCELLENT, I would need both Hikaru and Kaoru to pack our bags. As I and Kyoya get the car ready to go,"

Mitsukuni stood up, "I'll get Haruhi ready, we just gotta make sure our manager don't find out so quick,"

Takashi took Mitsukuni's hand, meaning he'd join him to it. Everyone took off to their positions.
Everything has to be absolutely perfect for a day in Yokohama.

* * *

Blood went over the white bandages, the warm feeling of blood and the tickle of it sliding off the side of his face came.
Yet of course he did not mind, not as if this was his first time ever having this paint before.
The bullets have stopped as three men feel upon them. The job was done, and he's gotten what he wanted, what the boss wanted, what got him get paid to buy a drink at the bar with his close friend.

"Crack the jaw, and then dispose of them in the trash," he ordered

"Of course sir," One of the guys possessed to follow directions.
As the others follows he gave a call to his boss. His face stiff and bloody.

"The job is done, and the steps are covered," He mentioned casually

A voice from the other side of the phone called out with a chuckled laugh, "Alright, thats all I wanted to hear Dazai-kun."

Dazai cringed a bit at it, his eye almost had a twitch attack, "Yes sir,"
Finishing the call faster them expected, he turned around and left the rest of the job to the others.

"What a job" A man said in a light brown coat.

"Oda?" Dazai couldn't hide a smile.

* * *

HELLO GUYS, this is just some of what i've came up with, more anime's are going to be added and put together.
I am thinking of putting live action films or shows in this too, like IT or Stranger Things.
I would do recommended Ships, (if they are) and crossovers.
This is the Main Story mode chapter one.
Anything you guys recommend being a crossover would have <(In another Dimension)> after the Title is put. But if I find it additional feeling to the Main Story. I would be glad enough to add it.

Thank you so much for reading

DMC are open

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