Chapter 3 - Alistair

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April 13th, 2020

I’d always considered myself a decent man; I’ve been hard working, honest, loyal and trustworthy all my life. I’ve travelled the world searching for my purpose. I’ve volunteered at churches, children’s hospitals, schools and even old-age homes. I’ve been in relationships with upstanding, graceful women. I’ve pondered the meaning of life under a sky of stars. Yet, tonight, I find myself going someplace I have been taught only “bad” men go. It is the most ungodly of places known to man. But still, I get out of the elevator and make my way to hotel room 144, where I will meet the woman whom I have hired for the night. I know nothing about her, or about how these situations work.

As I make my way towards the door, floods of guilt overcome me, and my palms begin to sweat. For a moment, I even consider turning around and leaving, and pretending it never occurred to me to commit this kind of sin. But my mind goes to the woman, whomever she may be, who is waiting for me in the hotel room. She obviously needs my money, or else she wouldn’t be there in the first place. A wave of sympathy replaces the guilt, and I decide to “man up” and go through with what I started. Although, I no longer wish to sleep with the woman. I shall simply give her the money she deserves, and leave.

I open the door. I find the woman staring into space. I quietly approach her, as I don’t want to frighten her.

“Hi” I say, “I’m Alistair”

She smiles and nods, but does say a word. She seems to be even more nervous than I. In fact, she looks scared.

I try making small talk to ease the tension for both of us. “It’s uh… quite warm tonight, isn’t it?”

She just nods, and makes her way onto the bed.

“Oh, actually, uhm…” I stutter, “we don’t have to do anything, I’ll just give you the money and go, if that’s okay with you.”

She stares at my hand as I put the money down on the table.

“Oh, is this enough?” I ask. She nods once more. Her silence is puzzling.

“Are you… alright? Are you usually this quiet?” I ask her. Her eyes widen, they look as if they are desperately trying to say something. Then, quite suddenly, she pulls me up against her roughly and starts to kiss me, slowly pulling me towards the bed.

I gently nudge her off, and take a step back. “We don’t have to do anything, really.”

Her eyes remain fixed on mine, she almost looks like she is in pain.

“What? What is it?” I ask, concerned. She still says nothing. Confused, I greet her and leave the room.

I’m in the car on my way home. But halfway there, I realise that I am not okay with how I left things. Something is off. I’d never done anything like that before, but I know when something doesn’t feel normal. Something is clearly wrong, and I am going back to find out what it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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