Chapter 6

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Rey was updating her session reports on one of the computers in the common room when Rose appeared in the doorway behind her.

"Hey there, how's it going?" she called out, holding a steaming mug in each hand.

"Hi Rose! What are you doing here?"

The brunette joined her and the two friends hugged each other warmly.

"I'm borrowing material for Brookdale. I saw on the schedule that you were done for this morning, so I thought I'd stop by and bring you a cup of coffee."

"You're a sweetheart!" Rey gushed as she grabbed the cup Rose held out to her and took a sip right away.

After an hour in front of her screen, she really needed a good dose of caffeine.

"So what's new at the clinic?" Rey asked, getting up and following Rose to the small sitting area.

"Well, Charlie's leaving in a week. How would you feel about replacing him? It'd be nice to work together again."

It was so tempting. Rose was a real ray of sunshine and the two of them were a great team.

"Well... Why not?" Rey replied, sinking into the soft cushions of the couch.

She knew there was a lot of work to be done there, and she was interested in helping a different group of patients, far from the gilded world in which the wealthy residents of Whitegrove lived. It was by going to Brookdale for a consultation that Ethan, whose family had very few resources, was able to benefit from proper orthopedic care and equipment.

"Are your patients here all done with their treatment?" asked Rose.

"Harriet Harris and Carol Douglas left two days ago, and I finished with Ethan—at least until the next adjustment of his prostheses. If Charlie returns, he can take over with Lewis O'Hara."

"And Solo?"

Ben had made incredible progress in a short period of time. He was now able to walk without any help, even if his steps were still a bit hesitant. Nothing was stopping him from leaving Whitegrove after his laser treatment in two days and paying for sessions at home if he wanted. She would probably never see him again, except on a movie screen.

"He's almost finished too," she announced.

And that was a good thing, wasn't it? Shouldn't a therapist be happy to see her patient fully recovered after all his hard work? That's why she did this job: to take care of people. So she was happy for him. Really happy...

"It would be great to have you at the clinic then!" Rose enthused. "On the other hand, coming to work at Brookdale would force you to travel a lot every day if you stay here in Greenwich."

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