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A GLITCH IN the system.

It starts by the hand of an evil. A wisp of a flame, barely dancing with the winds that threaten to tear itself down; it spreads and burns over grass and bark, a bright blooming flower that soon blossoms over forests like the waves of influence that wash over every grain of sand resting upon a breezy shore.

Much like the flame is a young boy whose means is to spread a positive influence and rebuild the city he's meant to rule in the future from scratch, with the ideology of equality his people cannot understand. That glitch in a sea of ignorance—everything starts to change with a little crack, a little difference. The change that makes such a boy feel trapped in a divided world he has no place in, despite his position.

So it starts. The despair in his chest that blossoms tenfold in the scrutinizing eyes of cold businessmen he encounters at every weekly meeting, simply hidden under the cackles of their wives and children that seem to despise him so. The need to claw out of the titles he's been forced into since young as the president's son—supposed genius just at the age of nineteen, big dreamer, stuck-up rich kid, unsuited for such a life. The want for a better life in a different world, where he doesn't have to conform to the expectations of his father or feel the stinging of his heart at the insults blatantly thrown at him everyday, where he can truly find his own happiness. It starts… but how will it turn out?

(The push he gets from the spike of his drink one night is enough to tell.)

oops it's been a while since i updated this book bc i've been kind of a mess nowdays ajsjsj but!! after a ton of change, prologue chapter is finally published :") updates might be kinda slow but i hope it'll to be your expectations or your liking aa

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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