Chapter 16 - Oliver

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As he digging more into Garfield Lynns, Oliver heard Diggle enter the lair. He didn't bother turning around, waiting for his bodyguard to say something. And he sure did.

"I thought you were done helping Laurel"

"The first firefly to die, his name was Garfield Lynns"

"Well, being dead kind of rules him out as murder suspect, right?" Diggle mused

The ex-military chuckled a little as he said "Oliver", grabbing what sounded like a bench and sighting "I'm sorry I came at you so hard man. But I've been there"

Oliver turned around, Diggle's more understanding tone making it easier to accept having to do that conversation. Again.

"I know what it's like to stare death in the face and... be the one who blinks"

"That's not it." he answered "I've...I've been close to death, on the island... more times than I can remember, and I never feared it. 'cause I had nothing to lose"

His memories of his fight against the Dark Archer came back again as he brought it up again "But when that archer almost killed me when I... 'stared death in the face then, I thought about all the people that I've left into my life since I've been back. My family, Laurel, Tommy." he said, earning an understanding nod from Diggle 

"and that made me afraid. Afraid of what would happen to those people if they lost me, again. And for the first time in so long, I had something to lose."

Diggle scoffed a little before he said "Well, you got it backward, Oliver. You think the people you let in are taking your edge. I think it gives you one. You can stare death in the face with something to live for or not. With something to live for... is better."

Oliver had to give himself a pat on the back for trusting his instinct when it had come to trust Diggle. The man wasn't just a war veteran, he was also very wise. But from pure pride, Oliver wasn't about to let him know that just yet."

"All the men in the unit had an alibi for Danny's murder. The guy that I fought had a firefly tattoo and his arm was severely burned."

"Ok." agreed Diggle, already settling in business "I don't see where you're going with this"

"I decided to listen to you this time and only take it slow with thrusting the Winchesters. I don't want another Huntress incident."

"What do they have to do with this?"

"I did this my own research on Lynns but also had Sam do some. The Nodell Tower Fire. Some of the bodies were so badly burned, they couldn't even be iDed off dental records. Garfield Lynns was presumed dead but Sam found out that he survived and lived under his second name since. And guess what year the ford pickup truck was built?" he rhetorically asked as he turned around toward Diggle.

Later that night, as the Winchester entered the gala, a man approached them with a knowing look

"Sam and Dean Winchester?" he asked

"We are? And who are you?"

"Name's John Diggle. I'm the head of security tonight. Here, your earpieces" he said, holding them the devices

"I suppose you're working with huh, our employer," said Sam as he put the earpiece in his ear

"He is," said the same modulated voice that he heard from the phone

"Oh come, we're about to take on a serial killer and we still can't at least your real voice" scoffed Dean

"As I said, I'm cautious with my trust"

"But Diggle here has it?"

"I do, but I earned it"

"Saved his life?" guessed Sam

"Something like that," said the Hood 

"Alright, whatever. So, what's the plan Robin Hood?" said Dean

"Garfield Lynns is probably going to show up tonight, as Chief Raynes is here. If he shows up, I'll handle him while you keep others from interfering and get civilians to safety"

"So we can't take a shot at him before he starts lighting people up?"

"He is misguided. If I can avoid killing him, I will."

"Oh, so you're ready to forgive a serial killer but you bodyguard that only do their job because your target happens to be their client?"

"Sometimes there is no other way."

"You try and tell that to their families. If you're as good as they say, it shouldn't be too hard to simply put them but of commission right?"

"Alright, this is not what we are here for" Sam reminded them, breaking the argument. Dean made to argue but Sam's look made it fairly clear that the conversation was for another time.

"Right... Sorry about that Robin Hood. I'll make sure no one interferes"

"Good. If one of us spot him first, tell the others."

"Copy that" the Winchester and Diggle said at the same time

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