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What's up people who aren't reading this?

So this chapter is kinda random it's pretty much just going to be rants about random things I'll separate the different rants into different paragraphs though.

So I have this one friend-well I don't even know if I can call her that-and the first This she ever said to me was "Are you anorexic?" And I mean yes I'm skinnier than normal and other people have asked but no one wants to look in the mirror and think "I'm too skinny." And I know most people hate people who complain about being skinny and most people don't think skinny people should be self conscious or anything like that but we are. We look in the mirror and go "It's insulting and hurtful when people compare us to sticks." We don't have curves that most people dream of, we aren't perfect because no one is. I look in the mirror and notice the stupid things like the fact that even though I'm skinny my belly is bigger than my chest. I've had people tell me they've never met someone with a thigh gap. I've had people tell me they wish they had a thigh gap. But when I look in the mirror and see that gap I don't think "Yes I have a good body." No, I think "Where are my curves? Why do I have a thigh gap? Why can't I have the body other girls do?" Everyone deals with their own problems not just skinny girls, not just girls with some fat here and there, not just girls, not just boys.

On a completely different note, BLM is kind of dying down now but that doesn't mean we should stop caring. Black lives have always mattered, I'm disgusted that the human race once thought that other people were less because of their skin color. Yes I know I'm white and people aren't going to judge me as much but I have friends and family who aren't white and I'm scared for them. I've never thought of someone as less just because they don't share the same skin tone as me. Another thing, there were multiple white people that tried to stand up during BLM who were shut down and told it wasn't their place, I understand this whole thing doesn't effect them as much but they weren't hurting anyone, they were trying to help and I don't think that should have been shut down. One of my favorite people in history is MLKJ because he was inspirational, he was someone people should look up to. My favorite quote is by him, "If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving forward."~MLKJ

Anyways that's all my rants for now feel free to leave your opinion in the comments but please don't leave hate, people have feeling and if your anything like me the littlest things can set you off.

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