Chapter 1

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*set after coronavirus *

"Yo, Ev!" Everett rolled his eyes jokingly after looking at the brunette in front of him, whom he had managed to catch up with in height over the past few months. "Hey, Carlie," he replied to his best friend. "Got any more tea?" Carlie looked at him, confused before Everett explained that he meant the gossip, not the drink. "Ohhhhh," Carlie said before laughing with Everett. "No, none so far, but I'm sure it's not r off. You know what Ellie's like." Everett nodded, before they both heard- "What am I like?" Everett's eyes widened and Carlie spun around. "How did you... what?" She muttered. Ellie laughed, taking a step closer. "I have my ways. You should know that by now." She smiled, before skipping away. Carlie turned to Everett and gulped. "Better be careful about what we say then."
She nodded. "You took the words right out of my mouth"

* * *

"Man, I need your advice."
"I'm the greatest at advice. What do you need?"
"Girl advice."
"You have now made me the worst at advice. Move along."
Calvert grinned, before pointing out that Jamie had kept a relationship for 9 months not that long ago.
"Dude, she wouldn't even hold my hand, never mind hug me! I don't think she really liked me. So, I can't give you advice. Try asking Everett."
"Jamie! I'm asking you! Plus, we all know Carlie's a germaphobe."
Jamie shook his head. "Did you see her in France? She rolled around in some mud because it was "fun", Cal," he replied, and made quotation marks with his fingers. "Also, she did the 1500m run after it had rained and got her trainers muddy, plus had sweaty people either side of her. Plus, she hugs people all the time, but she never hugged m-"
"OKAY, OKAY! You've made your point. Now calm down. I just need advice. Please. You're less clueless than me." Jamie laughed at that, before agreeing to help the best that he could. "Who's the unlucky girl?" He eventually asked.
Jamie gave Callum a death stare. "Is Everett ok with this?"
"Oh yeah... Bro code. Oops..."
Jamie mentally face-palmed. "This has happened before, don't let it happen again! You absolute imbosile. Fancy word for idiot, by the way," he added before Callux could ask. Jamie then made Callux agree that he would ask for Everett's blessing before going for his dream girl. Again. Callux turned away after thanking Jamie. "I had my fingers crossed the entire time," he muttered under his breath when he was out of earshot. "Everett won't mind, right?"

* * *

Nyomi walked up to Amelie and told her about the sleepover that she was hosting tonight, and asked if she was available. Amelie nodded, and Nyomi smiled. "That's great, can you tell some of the girls for me? I'll tell Ellie, Zara and Elma, and you tell Carlie, Millie and Alyssa. Deal?"
"Deal. It's gonna be so much fun!"
Soon enough, all the girls were informed about Naomi's sleepover and had all said that they could go. When the last bell rang for the end of the school day, Amelie, Carlie, Elma and Nyomi started walking to the nearest supermarket's car park together. Of course, they were all discussing the sleepover. "Truth or dare is an obvious must. Plus I need to find out if my inkling is correct." Carlie said. The girls began asking about what 'inkling' she meant, but their response was, "Only time will tell, my dears, only time will tell." The other girls knew Carlie well enough at that point to know that she would not share anymore information. Therefore, they left the subject swiftly, and started talking about their P.E. lesson that day. Soon enough, the girls arrived to Amelie and Carlie's lift home. They all said their goodbyes and see-you-laters, and Nyomi and Elma carried on walking until they both had reached their separate cars.

* * *

The sound of laughter could be heard as Nyomi walked into her bedroom that night. "Hey girls, I brought popcorn!" Some of the girls squealed, whilst the less air-headed girls gave words of thanks. One girl in particular was the sarcastic and blatantly honest one that everyone needs in a group. "Nyomi, one bowl will not cut it. There are 8 of us. And Millie will eat it all in 5 minutes anyway-" Carlie was cut off by a pillow being thrown her way. "To be fair, she's got a point," Elma added in between laughs, which resulted in a pillow catapulting towards her head too. They laughed for a while, before it died down due to Carlie's phone ringing. She rolled her eyes, before picking it up to find that her cousin Cleo was calling her. She hesitantly pressed accept and faked an enthusiastic 'hello'. "Carlie, it's Layla," was the exasperated response from the other end of the line. "She's broken in. Again."

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