Chapter 3

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Tyron woke up at an ungodly hour that morning. Assuming that everyone else was asleep, he started scrolling through his phone looking at memes, even though he had 3% battery charge left. Soon enough, his phone died, and after a while, he came to the conclusion that he was not going to go back to sleep. So, he picked up Callux's phone and guessed his passcode first try, it was just his birthday. Of course Callux wouldn't mind, they were best friends after all. It wasn't like he was going to go through his messages or anything. That was, until he saw Nyomi's name pop up from instagram. It would be un-Tyron-like to not reply, obviously. Once he tapped onto Instagram, he saw that Nyomi's message read, 'Hey xx'. Tyron's jaw dropped. Callux and Nyomi. Again? With KISSES?! Quickly, his face contorted to a sly grin. He could have some fun with this...

* * *

Rhett said goodnight to his sister at 8pm, pretending that he was going to bed. "Night, sleep tight little bro' was the response he got from Carlie two minutes later. He smiled. She would never expect what they were planning for her. He texted the group chat saying that she thought he was asleep, and they all got down to planning her surprise congratulation party. He read the texts as they came through and added things when he needed to:
Layla: So she believed the story then? I should be disappointed that she did, but honestly I'm not surprised lol
Cleo: Haha
Rhett: Lol
Rhett: So anyway, my dad is in on it, and fair play to him, he's dropping me at yours at 10am Cleo, then he's coming back, picking her up from her sleepover and dropping her at 4.
Leon: You know Cleo's house is my house too, right?
Rhett: Well duh, you're siblings and you live together. Don't be difficult
Leon: Whatever. You're always pedantic like this
Rhett: Wow...
Cleo: Guys, come on
Rhett: Leon, why do you have to be like this? One minute were best friends and the next you hate me
Rhett: *we're
Rhett: Like, make up your mind
Leon: Says you! You chop and change to whatever suits you best at that moment!
Layla: GUYS!!! STOP! This is for Carlie, let's get on with it.
Leon: Fine. Sorry.
Rhett: Sorry.
Layla: Thank you.
Cleo: lol
Cleo: The decorations are orange, green and blue. Any objections?
Layla: Nope
Leon: None at all
Rhett: Sounds great, she'll love it.
Rhett: My nan has baked a cake. Rainbow layered and covered in footballs
Cleo: Great, even better than I imagined in fact lol
Layla: That's all good, but the important question is:
Layla: Leon, did you buy the pringles.
Leon: You bet! Sour cream and onion, baby!
Cleo: ugh
Rhett: lol
Layla: Ok, this is all good. We'll discuss the rest tomorrow. I'll be at yours Cleo AND LEON at 10 tomorrow
Leon: 😂😂😂
Cleo: Great
Rhett: See y'all then

* * *

'I know it's fast since we haven't been on a date for a while, but do you want to be my girlfriend? Xxx'
Nyomi did a double take at the message she just read. Callux just asked her to be his girlfriend. Without pausing for thought, she replied 'Yes of course! Xxx' before she sunk into her sofa full of glee. It was in the early hours of the morning, and she was the only one awake. Or so she thought...
Carlie began to stir, and as her eyes adjusted to the dim light from.the lamp, she asked Nyomi, "What's got you looking like a child on Christmas morning?" Nyomi jumped, before returning to her previous state. She handed Carlie her phone. "Read," Nyomi commanded. After a few minutes, Carlie looked at Nyomi, her eyes sparkling with joy and happiness for her friend. She was accidentally a bit louder than she intended with her squeals, and Zara groaned. "Shut up, will you? Some if us are trying to sleep!"
"Sorry, Zara," Carlie whispered. Unable to contain herself, she let out another squeal. "Nyomi's got a boyfriend! It's Callux! Read these messages!" Nyomi realised what was going on too late, so therefore she was left waiting for Zara and Carlie to stop whispering and giggling about her and Callux for 10 minutes. After that, her patience ran low, and she asked whether she could have her phone back. Zara begrudgingly gave it to her, but quickly returned to laughing with Carlie. Nyomi sighed, law down and pulled a pillow over her head. She got very warm, very quickly, and was forced to lie on top of her pillow. She was still peeved at the girls, but starting to feel drowsy again. She was just a out to nod off angrily, but she looked at her phone one last time. She saw Callux's name at the top of her screen. She immediately forgot all annoyance as her heart melted inside. She closed her eyes, with the girls still talking in the background. She didn't mind though. She fell asleep shortly afterwards, still smiling.

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