Chapter 4

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Tyron's eyes widened. "Tyron," he heard again. "Look at me."
Tyron shook his head in disbelief before shuffling around awkwardly on his knees, trying not to make too much noise. After all, it was still very early. The sun hadn't even risen yet. Tyron looked up from his shuffling knees to see Zayne sitting on the sofa with one eyebrow raised. "How much did you see?" Tyron asked, hoping his voice didn't sound too panicky. Zayne looked at Tyron in disgust. "Enough to see you go onto your best friend's phone and text people without his permission. Let me read what you sent." Tyron shook his head. "Fine," Zayne said, "I guess I'll just tell Callux now..." "No! You can read what I sent!" Tyron passed the phone to Zayne in record time. Zayne nodded his thanks, and started to read. Five minutes later, he looked at Tyron questioningly. "So not only did you steal Callux's phone, you also pretended to be him and got him a girlfriend. Without his permission. Why?" Tyron shrugged. "I was playing matchmaker I guess. Also it was fun..." Zayne purposefully rolled his eyes. "I should tell Callux about this." He stated. "STOP! DON'T! NO! PLEASE! Or I'll... or..." Tyron trailed off. "Or you'll what?" Zayne questioned. "Or I won't buy you a Big Mac!" Zayne paused. "So if I don't tell Callux... you'll buy me a Big Mac? Tyron nodded aggressively. Zayne did love Big Macs... "And I'll buy you a 2 scoop icecream from Joe's!" Zayne shook his head thoughtfully. But Tyron was relentless. "A 3 scoop! With a wafer! And chocolate sauce!" Tyron had found Zayne's weakness. You could almost see the clogs working inside Zayne's head, weighing up the pro's and con's. After what seemed like forever but was only a few minutes in reality, Zayne replied. "Ohhhh... ok then. But I want extra chocolate sauce!" He said reluctantly. Tyron did and air-punch. "I'll have it all to you by tomorrow," he promised. Zayne nodded. "You'd better. Otherwise Callux will be having your guts for dinner. You'd better delete the messages you sent though so he doesn't suspect anything. And wipe off your fingerprints too. He's basically a criminal mastermind."

* * *

Back at Nyomi's, the girls were starting to stretch and yawn. Everyone was soon up, other than Carlie, Zara and Nyomi herself. Suddenly, Carlie shot up, and yelled, "Nyomi's going out with Callux again!" Before face planting back onto her pillow, groggy. "What?! Came a chorus of voices as Nyomi sat up, her face beat red. "Is it true?" Millie asked. Nyomi smiled shyly, and nodded. All the girls began fan-girling immediately, as well as teasing Nyomi, of course. Once they had got dressed, they began to head to the dining room table to have breakfast, still gossiping. At this point, Nyomi was getting uncomfortable. She just wanted her pancakes. As if on cue, Nyomi's mother walked into the room and took pancake orders. Noticing after a while that everyone was decisively quieter and seemed to have a lot to whisper about, she asked, "Girls. What's the gossip?" The teenagers all started at Nyomi's mother, and Carlie, unable to contain it any longer, burst out, "Nyomi's got a boyfriend!" Nyomi's mother gasped, and immediately started gossiping with the girls. Nyomi's lip started to quiver. She couldn't take any more of this. Tears started running down her cheeks as she burst into tears and ran out of the room. Everyone stared after her, before Carlie spoke up. "I'll go and talk to her. It was my fault, essentially. I'm sorry, Mrs Wilkins." Nyomi's mother shook her head as if to indicate that it was fine, before telling Carlie to go after her daughter. Carlie nodded, before running up the stairs on her way to Nyomi's room.

* * *

"Go away!"
Carlie sighed. She expected this. "No," she decisively said, which startled Nyomi. Carlie sat next to Nyomi on the bed, before saying, "I'm sorry. Really, I mean it."
Nyomi looked at Carlie as she carried on. "It was wrong of me, and I shouldn't have assumed that you would laugh along. We won't make fun of you anymore, I promise. I was just happy for you. I'm sorry." Carlie stood up and opened her arms. "Forgive me?"
Nyomi smiled, before deciding that she would have some fun with this. "See, I'm not sure. You did really hurt my feelings, see..." Carlie dropped her arms. "I really am sorry, Omi." Nyomi dropped the act, before saying, "I'm joking! Of course I forgive you, we're best friends!" They both smiled, and Nyomi welcomed Carlie into a hug, which Carlie gladly accepted, all the while trying to stand on her tiptoes to fit her chin on Nyomi's shoulder. After a few seconds, Nyomi realised something was wrong, and questioned Carlie. "Nothing's wrong, it's just... you're so much taller than me." Nyomi laughed, and said that she was going to go downstairs to have pancakes. "Are you coming?" Carlie nodded, before answering, "I will now, just give me a minute. I need to... uh... text my mother! Yes that's it. I need to text her." Nyomi looked at her quizically before shaking her head and heading downstairs. Once Carlie saw that Nyomi was safely out of the way, she unlocked her phone that was on the bedside table, and tapped onto messages. The then tapped Everett's name, and sent him a text.
'Park at 12. Major tea has gone down.'

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