16 and a ghostbuster?

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Klaus sat down on the sofa, it was a Saturday afternoon and Reginald was locked away in his office. The 3 boys awkwardly sat in silence, with just the sound of knives scratching against wood and the rustling of a small packet within Klaus's hands. Luther and Diego made eye contact as they each noticed Klaus counting small round white pills. "Stop that" Diego grabbed the packet and threw it behind him, out of the open window. "Hey! They had a discount" He exclaimed leaning back into the leather couch, crossing his arms. "I'm allowed to do drugs you know, I'm 16" He insisted poking and prodding at his brother's shoulder.

"You're not allowed drugs at any age, they're illegal" Diego was carving a knife out of a wood block and did not once look to his side. "Whatever Diego, you're so uptight" Klaus subtly pulled out a pre-rolled joint and lit it with a match, He blew out the smoke, causing Luther and Diego to cough. "Oh for god's sake Klaus, do you really need to do that in here?" Luther stood up waving the smoke out of his face. "Haven't I heard that before?" he looked around already high.

"You've been doing that shit since you were 14" Diego rolled his eyes pointing his knive at his brother. "13 and a half actually bonehead" Klaus giggled, sinking deeper into the couch. "Where do you get that stuff anyway? Dad would have noticed you stealing money" Luther put his hands over his hips, towering over His brothers. " oh...You know... just a good old-fashioned blow job for a bag-o-pills and a lunchbox of weed" Diego moved further to the left of the couch with a disgusted expression, plastered on his face. "Your despicable".

Luther looked at them in confusion, "Wait. what's a blow job?" They looked down simultaneously. "Well when a mommy and daddy love each very much the mommy- " Klaus raised his fist to his mouth in a gesture before being cut off, "You know what. I don't want to know! God you're the most annoying person in this family" Luther walked out of the 'blind spot' room and walked off still coughing slightly. "Too be honest Klaus, You don't even have a helpful power. it's useless, you do nothing but drugs and sleep. You're a drag" He stood up putting the knife in his knife holster and preceded to walk towards the door. "Oh Diego...I love you too brother!" Klaus blinked slowly throwing a pillow, as his brother slammed the door.

He was alone once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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