Chapter Five

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| Damian |

~ One Hour Earlier ~


I rolled across the grass and crashed into the thick wooden fence that ran along the edge of the training ground. "Again!" I shouted.

I wiped the dirt from my face as Vince stood a few meters in front of me with his arms crossed over his massive chest. "Whenever you're ready," he said, and as he did, I couldn't help but feel he was being cocky. Everything about him, from his perfect amber brown hair to his massive godlike physique, screamed 'cocky'.

I winced. I'd slammed my head against the fence, and it began to sting. Not only that, but for the past few hours I was basically reduced to a punching bag, so my head wasn't the only part of me that stung. I couldn't complain though. After all, I was the one who begged and pleaded for the few extra hours.

I reached over for the thick branch that rested at my feet. "Do I really have to use this thing?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

Vince's smile faded and was replaced with a stern look. It was a little intimidating. "We've already been over this. You need to get familiar with handling a weapon."

"All I need are my fists." I protested.

He walked over to me. His steps were heavy and slow. I tried scooting backward ever so slightly, at a pace that I hoped he wouldn't notice, but it didn't matter. The fence was already at my back.

"You're being stubborn," he sighed. "Your fists won't always..."

He was interrupted as Rhys, eager and excited, sprinted up behind him holding his two wooden batons over his head. "You're wide open, old man!" he shouted.

Vince stepped aside, evading the attack with ease, and grabbed Rhys by the arm as he rushed by. "And you're too loud!" he shouted back.

It was yet another of Rhys's attempts at his infamous 'sneak' attack, and it failed for the fifth time in a row. At this point, I could only hope that he was just joking around.

"You should never give away your position. That's the most basic rule!" Vince said as he heaved Rhys from the ground and hurled him over my head and through the fence. "How many times must I say this?"

I looked back to find Rhys gasping and groaning, his back against the ground. He struggled to raise his arm. "That's it! I'm done!" he shouted, "I can't take this anymore!"

"Get on your feet, Rhys," Vince said, sounding slightly annoyed.

Rhys pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Look. I don't like getting my ass handed to me, alright! You're a monster! And I'm convinced you're trying to kill me!" he shouted.

"What are you going on about this time?" Vince sighed.

"This isn't training! This is physical abuse! Straight up torture!" Rhys answered, dusting the dirt and grass from his palms.

"Why can't you be more like Damian?"

Oh, no!

"Him?" Rhys scoffed. "Okay, that's not even fair! He barely qualifies as a human!"

"You're so dramatic," I said, laughing.

"You can say what you want, but you're not going to change my mind. Not this time!" He closed his eyes and threw himself back on the ground. "I'm done!"

I felt a little bad for him. I was the one who convinced him to tag along for the extra hours of training. I thought it would benefit us both, and further sharpen our skills, but looking at him now, I wasn't so sure it was the best idea.

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