c-club manager?

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date:22 March setting: karasuno gym

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date:22 March
setting: karasuno gym

ur pov
???:sorry for being rude I'm noya
me:im l/n
you all eat ur food and the boys begin to pack up you stand and pack up your stuff
As you are putting ur stuff back in ur bag you weren't watching where u where going and walked into someone
me:omg I'm sorry
kageyama:n-no it's my fault really
he scratches the back of his neck
daichi: say, y/n have you ever played volleyball?
me:yeah... I played ever since I was little but the girls team was full so I guess I won't really be playing anymore
daichi:well, you can practice with us tonight if you want?
me:o-oh no really I'm not that good
yamaguchi: you might as well try...and if you are good you could come to be our man-
suga hits him on the head
suga: don't scare her!
the bell goes
Tsukishima grabs ur hand
tsukki:ok bye guys
and he runs of pulling you with him

time skip

there goes the last bell you pack up ur stuff
Tsukishima:so are you gonna come to practice?
me:idk I don't wanna embarrass myself
Tsukki:cmonnn whos gonna judge you? We all mess up!
Tsukki:yay! Let's go

you arrive at the gym and everyone's there
hinata: Y/N YOU CAME!!
me:yeah ahah
daichi:well let's see what you got, what position do you play?
well I used to play libero when I was younger but since middle school I was a spike but I can do both really
suga; so shall we play a 3v3?
Hinata: Let's do it!
tsukki: but we are only doing one set I'm already tired
it's was me suga and tsukki vs tanaka kageyama and hinata
Everyone else watched
suga passes the pall to you as you run up, jump and and hit the ball as hard as you can and slam it right through hinatas hands but tanaka keeps it in the air and passes it to kageyama as kageyama passes it to hinata and hinata hits the ball and it passes everyone, except you. You run as fast as you can and slide ur foot under the ball and keep it in the air
yamaguchi:did she just-
noya:she did. She's better than me
tsukki gets the ball and passes it to Suga, Suga serves it in the air you run and and manage to slow down the ball and wait for hinata to start falling down and u slam the ball past all of them and it goes straight to the ground
you and tsukki high 10
Suga:y/n ur amazing!
Tsukki:yeah ur really talented!

The score is 24 19 to your team
suga serves you the and you run and try to jump as high as you can, you jump and feel like you freeze in the air you look past the blockers and try to find a clear spot you see a spot that looks like it's having a light shin on it and you aim there with all ur strength and it gets past everyone
hinata and kageyama stare at you
tanaka:y/n HOW DID YOU DO THAT!
me:it's really nothing
everyone looks at you
me:uhm yeah
You scratch the back of ur neck
Daichi: y/n can I talk to you
daichi:I was wondering if you would wanna be our team manager?
me:Me?! Really!
daichi:it's ok if no-
me:no I would love to!

Word count// 633

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