what did i do wrong

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date: 20th Marchlocation:ur house

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date: 20th March
location:ur house

For some reason tsukki has started being kinda mean to you, constantly calling you names making fun of you pulling ur hair and the other day he through soup on you

to make matters worse my parents have become really close with tsukkis parents and we are going over their today
words can't even describe how nervous I am

mum:y/nnn! come on we are going
you where wearing a yellow summer dress with flowers on it, your mum made you wear it you wanted to wear jeans and a baggy jumper
me:mum do I really have to wear this?
mum:yes you look amazing

you arrive at tsukkis house and ur mum knocks on the door you try to look away and not look at the door so when her mum opens it u won't have to talk to her
tsukkis mum open the door
t/m(tsukkis mum): oh hey come in
you and ur mum walk into the house and sit down in the lounge you sit quietly and there's no sign of tsukki thank god
or so you thought, just then he walks into the lounge and looks at you and smirks

tsukkis pov

I love her
I don't want to hurt her
but I hate her knowing I like her , I much prefer being like this to her then how I was before
but there's nothing she can really do about it
who's gonna believe I'm being mean to her?
I'm the quiet smart guy
I would never be mean to anyone

ur POV

please don't cause any drama tsukki just let it be a normal night
y/m: so y/n Me and ur father are going on holiday for a week and me and t/m thought it would be best if you stay here since you and tsukki are so close
a whole week
with him

tsukki: yeah that sounds good
he says from the kitchen
you look at him and see he still has the same smirk on his face
y/m: you ok with that y/n
me:yeah ok
t/m: and im doing night shifts this week so I'll only be back whilst your at school so it's probably going to be just you and tsukki this week
tsukki:sounds fine to me
he still has that damn smirk on his face
t/m:u can stay in tsukkis brothers old room
y/m we should probably get going now
tsukki:can I just talk to y/n for a minute?
he says walking into the living room with a mug
t/m: yeah sure we will go outside
they leave the room
me:what do you want
tsukki:no need to be so rude
me:I'm not the one that's been rude, you have treated me like garbage ever since that training camp what did I do wrong
tsukki:y-you thought I actually liked you? I thought you knew that was a joke
your eyes fill with tears
tsukki:ugh ur so pathetic
me:I can't help it, ur being horrid to me for no reason
tsukki:u deserve it
you slightly pushed him forgetting he had a mug in his hand poring hot water out? Why was he drinking hot water
It mostly went on u and burnt your thigh causing you to fall onto the floor
a little got a tsukkis arm
tsukki:what the heck was that for
you couldn't speak
tsukki: answer me when I talk to you
me:I-I can't
me:my t-thigh
tsukki:u better apologise
you take a deep breath
me:it mostly got on me
tsukki:ok? I said apologise you got it everywhere
me:I'm not going to-
he hit you
me:did you just-
me:o-ok I'm sorry
tsukki:I'll get you back for that
me:ok just leave me alone
tsukki:gonna be hard when ur gonna be at my house for a whole week ur in the room right next to me
me:I have to go
you stand up and walk out
he grabs ur wrist and pulls u back
tsukki:looking forward to a week with u
me:ok. Goodbye tsukishima

authors note

storyline change ✊😚


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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