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The harsh sound of lockers slamming shut irritate my ears. Being in school has always been easy for me, apart from the bullying I enjoy school. I got to get an education man.

"Hey loser", screams Teyana, my step sister and the schools "popular girl". I generally think she would fit in amazingly with the plastics. But that's just my opinion. I ignore her like i do everyday and she walks towards me trying to intimidate me like she does everyday. She knows its never gonna work. But props up to her from trying.

"What do you want T?",I enquire agitated. I really don't like attention on me. They know she is my step sister and she bullies me. This apparently gives them the invitation to do it too. How nice. Highschool children are the spawn of Satan.

"Mom said that you need to go home instantly, you didn't clean the house properly you slut.", I smirk as she finishes her sentence. I get to go home. I'm not stuck here after all. Missing one day won't affect my grades. Realizing this I stuff my books back into my locker and book it out of there.

Getting home my mother face tells me a million things. Something happened. Something that could alter my life as a whole. The anxiety inside me is building up rapidly. Tears form in my eyes as I comprehend the words mother has just spoken.

"Papa is dead.", she says monotonously. What are we gonna do? What am I gonna do? How? When? Why?
"How?", I manage to croak out. She finally looks at me like she sees I'm a human being that's hurting.

"Aw my baby, your father runs a gang and you have to take over now.", my mother says softly. As if she doesn't want to scare me anymore. As if she hasn't thrown me every insult in the book. As if she hasn't hurt me with her words for 4 years.
What is happening.

"What do you mean?", she smiles softly as my question.
"Your dad owned a gang as well as multiple million dollar companies. It is all yours now. He wanted you to run it knowing you wouldn't spend it on material things like my daughter. He wanted you to run it because you're stronger, smarter and better at doing his job than anyone else.", she states.

"I thought you hated me, why are you being so nice to me now?", I ask quietly.
"Your father asked me to treat you like that so that you would get stronger in a sense, honestly I don't always follow his logic. But believe me all those times I would degrade you and physically hurt you, it hurt me deep. It was like cuts from a hot silver knife piercing my skins as those words came out. I want you to forgive me please. I am so terribly sorry.", she says honestly.

I smile,"you were forgiven the second you did it. How let's get down to business. I don't want to disappoint my father."

My dad is dead, my mother apologized, I run a gang and companies. My life just got a whole lot complicated.

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A/n UM vote, and comment if you want me to continue.
Lol, its my first book so bear with me.
Congrats on billboards.
Life goes on.

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