Interviewing Fred Vividia

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Angel: *teleports to the stage with flashcards on her hands* Hello everyone! sorry i'm late, i had to go see my dark clone, Dark Angel *sits down on her couch* *looks around* Hey?.....where's Fox and my mom?

Faith: Mom, Samus is on a date with my grandpa, Alexander *sits down next to ness* *hand on her round belly*

Angel: Okay, and what about fox? *worried look as shes about to use her powers to look for him*

Ness: He's coming, he had to teach Roy another lesson -_-

Angel: Again? *face palms* Oh Fox...*huffs*

Fox: *comes in and gives a big hug to angel* Sorry i'm late honey *kisses her and sits next to her*

Angel: Fox i know what you did e_e. I already read your past seconds...Did he destroy your brand new car again? 

Kayla: Seriously, someones got to show roy a lesson! and that someone is me! *goes to find roy with her powers* 

Alissa: I'll go with you! *follows kayla*

Angel: *about to say something* Uh-....never mind,  (to faith) how are you feeling sweetheart? *smiles*

Faith: Good but, i really want to get better soon, my team doesn't have a leader *frowns*

Fox: faith is there someone whos taking your place for now?

Faith: Actually, yes, my best friend, Fay 

Angel: At least thats good dear *looks at flashcards* Okay! lets get this show going! 

Ness:....I miss Candice *frowns cutely* :'(

Angel: (don't worry ness, you'll see her soon, trust me) Today i'll be interviewing Tigers brother, Fred Vividia! *claps*

Everyone: *claps*

Fred: *comes in and shakes hands with everyone* Hello again Angel! *sits down on a chair*

Angel: Hello Fred, it's nice to have you hear today 

Fred: Thanks for inviting me over! 

Angel: Your welcome, now may i ask you a few questions? 

Fred: Sure! 

Angel: Ok! 1st question, how old are you?

Fred: I'm 27

Angel: Ok, 2nd question, Who is your love interest?

Fred: Well, it use to be Jane Dorrie but now its Fay Blossom

Faith: Wow Fred, good luck with you getting her *smiles*

Fred: Uhm?...thanks? but if Fay is watching this, i want her to know that i love-

Tiger: *comes in* Shut it Fred!

Fred: Tiger?! what are you doing here?! aren't you supposed to be at your wifes show?

Tiger: I am but where next to each other. Now, don't start with lame poems of yours!

Fred: But there not lame! its for my beloved Rose, Fay

Angel: Alright you 2, thats enough (to tiger) Tiger, go back to Gladius, she might need you

Tiger: Fine *goes back to gladius stage*

Angel: Anyways, Go on Fred *smiles*

Fred: *nods and looks at camera* Dear Fay,  Roses are red, Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet, and so are you

All Girls except Angel: *scream* aww!! how cute! how charming! 

All Boys: -_-'

Angel: *clapping* That was nice of you to say for Fay Fred im sure shes seeing this *smile*

Fred: Really? can you tell me whats my future?

Angel: Uhmm?....i can but i can't do that kind of stuff, the only one who can is my evil clone 

Fred: Dam! 

Angel: Alright, lets go back to the questions, 3rd question, What do you like?

Fred: I like Family,rock music,romance,eating,video games, and the 90's

Angel: Ok, last question, What do you dislike?

Fred: Bugs,evil,aliens,reading, and rude people

Faith: Fay is sometimes a rude person you know

Fred: But thats when someone gets her mad like my brother, Tiger

Tiger: *herd* -_-

Angel: Alright well, thanks for coming fred! i hope to see you around! 

Fred: Your welcome Miss Angel *waves and leaves*

Kayla+Alissa: *come in draggin roy across the carpet*

Roy: *knocked out* 

Angel: *look at kayla and alissa* *red there past future*......I see what he's been through

Ness: *takes out a marker and starts to draw on roys face again* *scoffing*

TL: *gets some really hot sause from the fridge and puts some in his mouth* *scoffing*

Faith: Boys! Toony! stop it! 

TL: *looks at faith* Sorry *blushes and puts the sause away*

Ness: *drew a big derp face on roys face with a burger hanging from his derp nose*

Angel: Ness! imma tell Candice on you if you don't wipe that off his face before he wakes up

Ness: But-

Angel: Fox dear tell him

Fox: Ness, Do as she tells you to. Please

Ness: You guys sound like parents! 

Fox: That's because we are parents

Ness: *huffs fine* *looks back at roy* 

Kayla: *taking pictures of roy on her phone along with alissa and the other girls*

Jocelyn: This is totally going on SmashBook! (FaceBook)

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(Not Edited)


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