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"Good morning everyone!" the Mistress greeted all the people seated before her. She had her boyfriend's hand in hers smiling excitedly.

We were all seated in a circle with the Master and the Mistress at its head. As Shane had demanded, I was sitting beside him. Matt had made sure to smile at me while taking his seat with the girl I saw him with. He gestured towards her and I smiled giving him a thumbs up.

The boy with the cloudy eyes on the other hand, wasn't staring at me anymore. Instead, he was continuously glaring at Shane. I guessed I'd never know what his problem was.

"This is our first session together" the Master said pulling me out of my thoughts. "We thought of keeping this simple and introductory. We will all introduce ourselves but not with just your names and hobbies. We will also speak about the dark truths in our lives. Your love needs to know about you completely before deciding to fall in love with you. Also, you will feel relieved once your life is out in the open. Your mind will feel in peace. Hence, we picked this as our first session." He finished and let out a breath he was holding.

I tried to observe the faces around me. A few of them were excited while others didn't look very comfortable sharing about their life. Cloudy grey eyes just had a blank expression.
The session began and everyone started sharing their life stories.

A few had perfect families with parents waiting at home for them. Others said they worked hard for a living and could only provide for themselves. I learnt that Austin had a tough family who couldn't deal with the fact that he was gay. His dad supported him but his mother wouldn't.

There were guys who blew kisses his way when he was done and that got his grin widening to his ears. His sister was pampered by their parents but she never took it for granted. The two of them were the best siblings who loved each other and were always there for each other.

Matt's story was more distressing. He was an orphan. He revealed that his parents passed away in an airplane crash and he's been very scared of flights since then. If he was always this sad he hadn't ever shown it. No one could tell what he went through behind that charming smile he always portrayed.

It was Shane's turn next. His story seemed quite normal. His parents worked hard and held investments across the city. He was rich and was currently working with his father and preparing to take over.

But there was something he kept from us. The escaping look on his face was quite visible. He spoke about meeting his mother once in a month. I thought his parents were separated but I stopped myself from assuming things.

As soon as it was my turn, my face turned pale. I did not have a fairytale but the truth to tell. I hadn't spoken about my past much to people before. The people who were close to me knew it already and others didn't seem to ask.

I realized I'd have to be strong and speak about it here whether I liked it or not. After all it was the truth and I had learnt to accept it. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes before I started.

"My name is Calisse Clarke. I do not have a very happy story to narrate but I feel like I am happy at the end of it. When I was two, my dad fell in love with someone who wasn't my mother. He wasn't strong enough to face his responsibilities, his wife and two children. He took a decision for himself and as selfish as he was, one day.. he just left" keeping strong I continued.

"My mother was heart broken. But she wouldn't let her children know that. She realized that she needed to get on her best and give her children an example they can be proud of. She took her time but she got back on track and eventually did her best to make things better for us. She was a fashion designer by profession and she'd left everything after her first baby.. my brother Kaden because he wasn't easy to manage. It wasn't easy for her to start everything from scratch but worked hard on herself.

In no time, she started her own fashion boutique with a high school friend she knew and though she was in love with him, she was too busy to know. Her faith in love had broken down too. But as my brother and I grew up, things got better for us and she had time for herself. She made way for her desires and gave love another chance. She then happily married her love and he's now my step father. We haven't gotten that close yet but he's really sweet. Most of all, he keeps my mother smiling and that's all I'm grateful for." I finished and felt relieved.

I opened my eyes slowly taking a deep breath. I looked at my hands that were rolled up into fists on my lap. They were sweaty from the heat. I looked up to observe everyone around me. I saw a few sympathetic and a few smiling faces. The Mistress gave me an assuring look.

My eyes met the same grey eyes and I gazed at him to be more sure. Was it just me or were his deep eyes looking soft for the first time ever?


Sooo? Now that you know about Cali's back story.. what do you think?

Shane is a deep character for me and so I'm going to have a lot more of him ahead. Also.. it's the next chapter where I'll reveal about this cloudy eyed guy! So stay close!

Vote and share your love!

The Place of LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz