Call me Cali

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Shane had come to call us for the session that was about to begin. The Master and the Mistress showed us a few real stories of couples who fought for their love. They told us about the great classic Indian love stories. They were stories of a couple wherein after being apart for long when they were finally going to be together, the girl was poisoned. The boy could not live without her and so died beside her after consuming the same poison. Their beautiful stories brought tears to most of us around. And however dramatic it sounded, I knew I wanted to be in an emotion as deep as this.

I looked at Steve wondering whether we would ever have to fight for our love. The extreme part was, we still hadn't confessed to each other.

During the entire session, the same girl I had seen on the ground earlier sat opposite to us staring in the same manner. It started to get creepy now. I tried ignoring her but she kept gaining my attention by staring. I couldn't even remember where I'd seen her.

In the middle of the session, I suddenly had the urge to pee. I tried to search for Amy to give me company but she seemed to be in some corner with her boyfriend. The only options were Steve and Shane and I wasn't choosing any of them. I sighed and excused myself before turning towards the washrooms alone.

The washrooms were placed at corners making it a little hair-raising. Before I could get inside the washroom, someone nabbed me closing my mouth so that I don't scream. I was strangled from all sides and the only thing I could do was kick my legs helplessly. And then, I smelled a familiar scent of fresh after shower. His breathing near my ears and his skin felt all too familiar. I calmed down and turned to face Steve grinning at me like a kid just won a box of chocolates.

"Are you crazy! You beat the living daylights out of me!" I almost yelled at him. His hands shot out and placed themselves behind my waist before pulling my closer. "I was worried. I didn't want you to go alone" he said frowning cutely. This man was way too sweet for me to handle.

I giggled and swatted his hand away. "I need to pee" I whispered in his ears. "Need some help?" he winked at me grinning again. "Eww Steve" I pushed him away and asked him to stay there and wait for me while I was gone to which he nodded leaning against the side pole.

I pushed open the washroom door and entered into one of the stalls. The washroom was not very big but was enough to call it a restroom. There was a mirror outside the stalls and that was enough for all the girls here. Once I was done, I felt lighter and decided to get going soon before Steve decided to come in. I walked out closing the door behind me and reached out for the taps under the mirror to wash my hands. As soon as I looked up, all the blood on my face drained and my heart skipped a beat.

Through the mirror I saw the same girl who was staring at me standing right beside me. She was washing her hands and stealing glances at me. I was so thankful that Steve was outside waiting for me. I closed the tap shut and began to leave when she caught my hand. I started to remember all the prayers my mom taught me as a kid. I wanted to call out to Steve but I couldn't find my voice. She was opening her mouth and I was preparing to scream.

But what happened next didn't let me scream. She didn't bite me. She didn't take a knife out of her dress and stab me. She didn't haunt me or threaten me. She just asked me one question. A question I had to ask her to repeat. "I asked you your name" she said repeating herself. I stared at her dumbfounded. She was staring at me since the whole day and she asks me my name? I tried to search her for weapons but didn't see any. My confidence returned.

"Who are you? And why you asking me my name?" I asked questioning her back. "Okay don't tell me your name. Tell me what's going on with you and Shane." I had to replay her words in my head to think of a reply.

"What?" was all my brain was able to give. "I have been seeing you enter his tent way too much. He's been hovering around you since the first day. He left me that day and then you chose him as your partner that day. He came to your tent on that very same day!" she said so sadly I feared she would start weeping.

"Previous night.. you entered his tent. When I came closer I heard these sounds from inside. I just couldn't take it. Today.. you were with him almost the whole day. And even now, you were sitting with him for the session. I also know the other guy you are with. Listen it's fine if you are with him but with the other one too? At least don't hurt him okay?" she blabbered on, tears threatening to pour down her cheeks but she chose to put on her angry frown on display instead.

My mind clicked as I remembered where I had seen her for the first time. She was talking to Shane, his hands on her waist the day I chose him as my partner. He left talking to her and came to me to 'get back' at Steve but she didn't know that. So she thought... everything started to get clear. This girl likes Shane and thinks that Shane and I have something going on. Not just that.. she thinks I'm cheating on him with Steve. I had to give credit to those two men for making me so famous.

"Listen.." I began speaking, keeping a hand on her shoulder. She was upset by now and her tears were trickling down. I didn't know how to react to it. I never came across girls who were cried because of me before. I never even had girls crying on my shoulder. I didn't know how this was done.

"It's not how you think.. umm what's your name?" I asked her softly. She looked up batting her soaked eyelashes. She wore a lens that I assumed were waterproof after all her tears. She spoke in a crooked voice "Elaine" I wasted no time ahead.

"Listen Elaine.. what your thinking is wrong. There's something going on between me and Steve not-" she cut me off before I could complete. "I knew it! Your going to break Shane's heart!" she wailed along, her anger mixed with all the other emotions.

This lady had to be dealt with delicately.

I squeezed her shoulders with both my hands and shook her forcing her to listen to me. "No Elaine! It's been Steve and I from the start. Shane and I are not together. All that you saw.. me outside his tent.. him in my tent.. that's all a misunderstanding. And for all I know, Shane is single." As soon as those words escaped my lips, her face lit up a little.

She looked at me with hopeful eyes using her fingers to wipe off her wet cheeks. "Really? Then why did he leave me that day and go to you? Why was he ignoring me for so long?" she asked confused.

"Now that's a story for some other time okay?" I informed her thinking how long it would take if I had to explain it to her now. She nodded and gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry Calisse I must have freaked you out right?" I tried to remember when I mentioned my name to her. "It's okay, how do you know my name?" I asked.

"Oh umm.. I tried finding out about you.. you know.. after I thought Shane liked you." She said looking embarrassed. "Then why did you ask me my name first?" I asked her. Err.. didn't know how to start soo.." she shrugged and I laughed looking at her reaction.

"Soo.." I said leaning against one of the stall doors. "You like Shane?" at my words, she almost choked in the water I had offered her from the filter. She blushed disposing the paper cup.

"Actually.. yeah. I umm.. I'm kinda obsessed with him. All I can think about all day, is him." She replied but didn't look like she was happy about it. "That's great! Why are you sad about that?" I asked in reaction to her expression.

"Because Calisse.. I know he doesn't share the same feelings" she replied feeling too low. I thought for a minute before my eyes lit up with an idea. "You don't know that still. Maybe we can find out. Also Elaine?" I said gaining her attention. "Mmm?" she answered. "Call me Cali."


Introducing... Elaine! I hope you guys like her. Shane's not going home alone or is he?

Also, we're nearing the end. Only two more chapters to go and I'm already feeling the sadness. But how about a sequel? I'm totally thinking of a sequel! Let me know.

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