Chapter 8 - Smidge

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A young Smidge was walking with Biggie, Harper and Cooper. They were talking about Guy wondering where he could be

"So you haven't seen Guy anywhere?" Smidge asked

"Nuh-uh. Not since last month!" Cooper said

"Oh man. This isn't good is it?" Biggie asked

"Hey, it'll be ok Biggie! I'm sure Guy will be back soon." Harper smiled

"Harper's right. Guy, will be back before we know it!" Smidge said

They all smiled and were interrupted by Creek

"Hello, friends." He smiled

"Hi, Creek!" They waved

"Have any of you seen my spirit animal?" Creek asked them

"Your spirit-"

"We haven't seen your spirit animal Creek! And even if we did, WE WOULDN'T KNOW!! BECAUSE WE'VE NEVER MET IT BEFORE!!" Smidge yelled

Creek was offended as his jaw dropped

"Well fine. I'll go look them myself." Creek said as he left

"YOU DO THAT!!" Smidge yelled as he left

"Geez, Smidge. He was just asking for help." Biggie said

"Well I don't want to look for something THAT PROBABLY DOESN'T EVEN EXIST!!" Smidge yelled stomping her foot on the ground

The ground shook and her friends fell on the ground


They stood back up dizzy

Smidge looked down at her hands and her feet and wondered if she caused the earthquake or if it was a coincidence

"It was probably nothing." She muttered to herself


"So, if you could choose to either be friends with Harper or Cooper, who would you choose?" Biggie asked Smidge

"Hmmm, I'd choose both!" Smidge smiled

Biggie's eyes lit up

"Me too." He smiled

Smidge's eyes lit up as well

"Oh mah gah."

"So about earlier, with that earthquake. What do you think caused it?" Biggie asked

"I don't know, it could've been anything." Smidge answered

Smidge looked at her hands again

"Unless... nah!"

She put her hands back down

"Unless what?" Biggie asked

"Have you seen Poppy and Guy using any powers?" Smidge asked

"Why yes! I saw Guy shine really bright! And when I was singing Wannabe with Poppy, Creek, and DJ I think I saw a tail coming from Poppy." Biggie smiled

His smile disappeared and looked at Smidge confused


"I think something's wrong with me. I think I caused that earthquake." Smidge told him

"There's no way!" Biggie smiled


Smidge stomped her foot on the ground again and the ground shook

A random Troll fell and face planted into some cake


"That was you?" Biggie asked

Smidge nodded

"That's really cool!" Biggie smiled

"Yeah it's awful- wait what?" Smidge looked at Biggie

"That's really cool, Smidge!" Biggie said again


"Yeah! You could do so much with it! Like getting jars from high places, or even-"

"-Find Poppy and Guy!" Smidge smiled

"Well I wouldn't say that but-"

"That's a good idea Biggie!"

"I didn't-"

"AHHHHhhhhhh." Smidge ran off

"But first I'm gonna sleep." She said going back


Smidge slept and Lance and Raphael appeared in her pod

Lance waited as he ate some chips

Raphael grabbed Smidge then left Troll Village with both her and Lance

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