Chapter 13

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Hickory was sitting on a rock waiting for the others to wake up. He heard a stick crack and turned around and saw DJ and Smidge

"At least someone's up." Hickory said

"Yeah, hey!" DJ smiled

"So, when are we gonna go into a town?" Smidge asked

"When everyone else wakes up." Hickory said

"So, we're going now?" Trollex asked coming out of the lake

Everyone else came to them

"Yeah." Hickory said


"Barb, go ahead and see if there's a town anywhere near here." Hickory said

"You got it!" Barb smiled doing finger guns and ran off

"Why go into a town, when we have everything here?" Creek asked

"Because, we need stuff." DJ said

"Fine." Creek said

Barb came back

"That was quick." Prince D said

"Eh. I'm pretty quick." Barb said

"So? Any towns?" Poppy asked

"Yeah, Over there!" Barb said pointing forward

They looked and saw a small village

"Sweet! Let's go!" Trollex smiled

Everyone nodded and went over to the village


Meanwhile, Branch was collecting sticks and was heading to his grandma till he heard a noise

He dropped the sticks and immediately turned around and grabbed one of the sticks and pointed it in front of him in case of danger

"Wow! You're one quick guy." Someone said from the forest

"Who are you?" Branch asked them

"I'm, Cybil!" She said coming out of the trees

"Oh." Branch put the stick down and started to walk away

"Hey, wait! Why are you out here all by yourself?" Cybil asked

"I'm trying to get back home to my grandma." He said

"Maybe, I can help you out." She said

Branch looked at her


The group arrived at the village Barb found. Poppy and DJ's eyes lit up and they ran off

"Creek, do you have enough for what we're getting?" Guy asked

Creek counted his money but didn't have enough

"What's your favorite color?" He asked Guy

"I guess we don't." Trollex said with a sigh

"I guess I'll take care of it." Barb said

"How?" Prince D asked

"You'll see." Barb smiled and ran off

They all looked at each other


Barb ran to one of the stands and snatched a loaf of bread and looked around and jumped over the stand and grabbed some change from one of the shelves

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