Chapter 19

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It was graduation! I sat with all the fellow seniors in the middle feeling calm! I looked at the bleachers and saw Jarrod with his baby carrier on and Elena inside resting her head against his chest. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Now to pass out our diplomas!" The principle called.

"Wow Mr. Garrett, she's beautiful!" Girls called huddled around Jarrod. I stood several feet away. "I never thought this was how we were gonna end highschool. " Brittany said appearing in front of me. "Me either. " I shook my head. "So what did you name her?" Brittany asked quieter. "Elena. " I smiled. "Why'd you do it?" She suddenly asked. "Huh?" I asked token back. "You ruined your life for Mr. Garrett. " She said with tears filling her eyes. "My life isn't ruined. " I shook my head. "Yea huh! He can control you now and he's been sleeping with some red head!" She blurted. My eyes got huge. "How do you know?" I asked. "A couple days ago, I seen him at a cafe with the baby talking to her about hanging out this weekend at the Summer Hotel. " She finally said. My shoulders slumped.

I was pacing the floor. Who do I fight? Jarrod has been lying and it seams like he will never stop. Nancy knows he's with me and hates my guts and also bet me up when I was pregnant. Elena was at my fathers. He has been a wonderful grandpa and really loving. But now he gets to tell me he told me so after I confront Jarrod. Jarrod left 30 minutes ago and this hotel is 10 minutes away.

I arrived at the hotel in my dads car. I told him I need to go to the store and Jarrod is working. I walked inside and the receptionist was kinda young and cute. "Hello I'm looking for a room under Garrett. " I say with a light smile. "Who are you?" He asked with a smirk. "I'm they're daughter. " I bit my lower lip. "They only have on here for Mr and Mrs Garrett and they're both here. " His spoke but his eyes trailed over my body. "My dad is crazy! Can I have a key to the room and come back to talk to you?" I asked with a light pout. "I'm not suppose to. " He scratched the back of his head. "Pleaseeee. " I smiled pushing my chest out lightly. "Okay." He smiled.

I got to the door quickly opening it. "Go harder please. I'm about to cum!" I heard her. "I am calm down." I heard Jarrod. I covered my mouth walking in. "Laela!" Nancy screamed. Jarrod was on top of her moving. "What?" He asked and turned. "Laela!" He got up pulling his boxers up. "I trusted you again. " I said shaking my head. Jarrod sighed. Nancy laid in the bed covering herself with the cover. The. I ran at her yelling. "Bitch!" I yelled before both my fist collided with her face. She tried to hit me but Jarrod pulled me. "Stop!" He said hard and serious. I mushed him in his face causing him to stumble back. I ran back at Nancy hitting her. She pulled my hair causing my head to go down. I brought my knee to her chest and stomach. "Laela I'm pregnant!" She yelled. Jarrod pulled me again. "Are you the father?" I asked him serious. he nodded. "Why did I come back?" I yelled. "laela listen to me!" He grabbed my shoulders. "We have to go to the doctors!" Nancy said in obvious pain. "I'm trying to keep her happy!" He muttered to me. "Fuck you! Fuck us! Fuck our future!" I yelled hitting his chest. "You're nothing and you will never be nothing!" I punched him in the face. He stumbled back and I walked out. i walked down the hall feeling like my life was just absolute shit. "You're done you little bitch!" I heard Nancy. "You can have him. I don't care!" I yelled back. I got to the lobby and thank god that boy wasn't there. I quickly got outside to the car.

I got back to my dads house and hugged him. "What's wrong? What did Jarrod do?" My dad sighed. "He's with Nancy again. " I cried laying my head on my dads shoulder. "When did he stop?" He asked. This shocked me. "I don't know. " I honestly said. "You need to stop going back and forth laela. Either you're with him or you're not. " My dad said. "She's pregnant and I think he wants her. " I shrugged. "Then you have your answer. "Dad. I sacrificed so much!" I begun crying again. "....And look who looks dumb in the end?" He softly say.

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