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"To the Headmistress's office now!" I rolled my eyes and got off that dude's body. I may have thrown a few punches here and there, but I will execute anyone who talks about my parents who do not exist. My parents are gone, not dead, I know they are not dead. I spat onto the dude's face, then walked away as the Potions and Poisons teacher clutched my shoulder to the Headmistress's office.

"Again, Zion! That's the seventh time this week and it's only Wednesday." I did not give 2 damns about what she thought of me. I sighed. "Just hand over my in-room detention and I'll be on my way." She released an ungratified groan and spoke, "I understand my little Zion feels out of place here, but you need to have recognition for those who make you appear underclass."

Those two words made me feel so infuriated. 'Recognition,' and 'Underclass.' "I know you listen to them!" I cried, "I know you pick up every single one of them when they call me a retard or a jackass! You always listen, but you pay no attention to what they say, you old hag!" I stopped talking when I felt a sting on my lip. She punched my lip. She sat down with a grunt and wrote a slip. I snagged the paper and walked towards the door. As I walked, I could hear her whisper.

"God, I can't wait to get rid of you..."

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