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In Aubrendale, there's a power system. At the top, there're the royalties; the all powerful. It is custom to kiss their asses. Below that is the producers; forming weapons, elixirs, you name it. They aren't too bad, still snotty and irritating. Then there's the trawler, the weaker ones. Occasionally born without a lot of Noar making their power and strength weaker.

Then the untouchables; the ones that are almost prohibited to exist. They are so rare; they are dubbed the beasts or the ones that shouldn't exist. If you're unlucky enough to bear in this class, the regime experiments on you forcing you turn into monsters, revolting creatures, but don't worry because I already am one.


"I don't understand why head teacher favours that untouchable, so disgusting to see every day." One girl says.



It's all I hear every day, but it's okay because in room detentions mean leaving this hellhole for once. Once I get into my dorm, I flick open the window and jump out, landing perfectly on my feet.

"Finally," I say "Maybe now I'll find someone to fight me! Someone who doesn't use dirty tricks." A toothy grin covers my face as I lick my lip-piercing. I placed my foot down deep in the soil and launched myself into a nearby tree, starting my hunt.

I jumped until my legs ached, but the pain felt so damn awesome! No more stupid teachers nagging my every move, but now, now I'm free! Well, just until tomorrow. I was attempting to get to the top of the thick forest when I heard footsteps that weren't mine. I stopped running and hesitated. Someone was panicking. Oh! Someone was feared and I could feel it. It felt amazing.

Then the delicious smell of blood! That made me launch myself into the gear of the forest and follow that delightful perfume. I ran for 30 minutes before I saw the victim, Mr. Pretty boy Salias.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Ethereal face Salias bleeding out in front of me." What a sight for sore eyes. My mortal enemy looking so weak and defenseless.

"Shut up, Zion. Help me back to the academy." Hs snapped.

"Hm.." I contemplated "Beg me."

He chocked on his own blood and scowled at me. I knelt down and took his chin, looking eye to eye at me.

"Don't fret, Mr. Pretty boy. I won't let you die yet."

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