~Chapter 2~

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Your breath hitches,and then nothing,even though flowers are showering down,your feel nothing,and you eye at the dead corpse,Still feeling the burning sensation of your wing.So you did this,what,for nothing?You fought and killed a innocent dragon who was trying to survive as much as you..?

Then you facepalm yourself,feeling stupid.Obviously they wouldn't just let you go after a 'exciting fight',because why would they?You were just some random dragon picked-targeted,and if this was exciting,they would do it again.

Make you do it again.Is this what's all about?

You suddenly feel a prick in your neck,just a prick,and you gasp from the sudden feeling."Huh?-"

Before you knew it,your body collapsed,earning a silent thud in the sand.It was so sudden,you didn't really expect it,your neck didn't hurt,neither did the prick feeling,just prick.Suddenly feeling tired,very tired,your eyelids feel heavy,and almost close,but with your last energy left,you touch your neck to where the prick feeling was.All you felt was something metal.

Then everything turned dark.


You dream about the field.

Running through the grass,sunshine hitting your feathers and face,was all so calm,the best feeling in the world.The ray of sunshine making you smile,and your feathers puff up in relief.But the soft,bright green grass felt suddenly damp and cold.

Jolting awake,the dream fades,and all you felt was coldness,You try to bring the warmth in your dream,but of course that is absured.The wound that the dragon gave you during your fight was burning,and you wince in pain.Thinking about it,you couldn't feel your wing,at the tip of it,and panic rises to you.What if you can't fly?

You look at your wing,and it wasn't even melting,But you did notice a clamp around your wing,just farther up more.Glacing at your wound again,it looked like the same,rigid and some spikes,the ice didn't really sparkle,more like glint.Around the ice,the feathers that were once yellow,turned pale.

How is that possible?!

You try to calm down,and try to imagine the feeling of grass in your talons,but by now it lost hope,and all you can feel is cold in your talons-actually everywhere.Speaking of that..

Standing up,you examine where you're at right now,it was moist and really cold,freezing.Even your teeth clatter.By the looks of it,you're in a cell?You also spot some big lumps,it looked more like someone-But your breathing almost stops,since you're not the only one here.

Instead of andrenaline,you're relieved that you aren't alone,but weirded out since you have never been inside of a freezing place with 3 or 6 dragons inside.And you can't just ignore them,you might have to talk to them regardless.

And you feel your stomach flutter,remembering that you have never directly talked to a dragon before.Never.

It was dark,but not pitch black,so you squint to get a better look at them.Your eyes still hurt,a little.But your wound hurted more,and you wonder if it's gonna get any worse.You step forward,and felt a prick in your talon.It wasn't like the prick you felt earlier,mostly because this one hurt,and stung.

You hiss,very loudly in pain,but you didn't care.The only thing on your mind right now was the pain.Swiftly you pick up your talon,and took a look at it,not realizing you've woken up them.

Blood flooded,and dripped,you could hear the other dragons shuffle and groan,but your eyes were glued to the blood flowing on your palm.

Your own blood.

"Oh look!She woke up..!"

You jolt,like being shocked,but more violently.Right away you can tell the voice is a female,a little high pitched.Immediately you hiss,somewhat aware.You then stay silent,and stood still.

The 'she' dragon stood up,and slowly walked to you,her eyes then wander to your talon,and wing.

"You're hurt...you know that right?"

Her light green wings were also clamped,just like yours,the weird thing was that her wings looked so delicate,leaf like.You remember that you've never seen anything like that before,which made you even more curious about her.

Her scales were a bright green,with some dark patches around.It reminded you about the grass you were once in-before you got dragged here in this place,and then fought-Her eyes were a dark green,so was-actually everything with her is green,Even her twisted horns were green.

You gave her a blank stare,but the worry in her voice made you feel...good?You wanted to answer,but your fear took over,your neck feeling stiff.The butteflies in your stomach were getting stronger.

The dragon opened then closed her mouth,her face with uneasiness ,more like worry.She whispered,

"Oh..uh ok.."

As she said that,another dragon came up behind her,which made your stomach hurt at this point.And the dragon had no arms.None.Instead,he only had two pairs of legs and wings.This of course freaked you out,because you have never seen a dragon like him before.

You stare at him in a awe mix weird look, this weirded out the dragon even more, and also took notice on your look.

"Why the hell are you giving me that look?"He said in a tone of annoyance.

She looked at him with an obvious gaze,and of course he noticed.You still are frozen in place,and your neck stiffs more.

"Ya dingus,you got no arms!"

"Oh...Well I'm pretty sure she seen dragons' like me before."

You feel oddly stupid.You've never seen a dragon this close up before, but why would he say that?It was normal not seeing dragons, right?

You manage to croak out a "No",and you almost didn't recognize your voice.For one thing,you never really spoke,or talked.But hey, at least you talked.

The two dragons eyes' widened in surprise.

You look away,embarrassed.Still feeling the burning in your talon.God,you should've just kept your mouth shut.By now the blood-Your blood felt dry,but the wound still burned.A little.

"Did you really had to say that One?"The female said.Her voice was with care,but hesitantce.Which you still didn't get on why she would care about you-you were just dumped-or put to sleep?In a dungeon.You were a stranger.

The armless-crimson-red dragon rolled his eyes in annoyance-you look at him with a gaze.A glare.You were obviously a little annoyed,with his attitude,but this was really your first time close to a live real dragon.Actually you were inside a dungeon cell, with dragons-that you don't know.Again you remind yourself about this.

"You...really don't know..?"The female dragon wispered.You nod slowly,staring at her,following her gaze-full of care.

You suddenly hear another voice, it was weirdly calming.Much more different.

"What do we have here?"


Jesus It's been real long ever since I posted.I gained enough motivation to make about 4 or 5 chapters out of this-

But anyhow.

Guess who the voice is?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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