Chapter 1 - The News

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Clove P.O.V

It was just a ordinary day at the training centre. Me, throwing knifes and brushing up on my life survival skills. I  was 15 yesterday, and too my surprise, as usual, no one really gave a damn. I went into the training centre with the anger ready to boil out of me. 

Beads of sweat were dripping from my head as I made a fire in the survival section. I quickly brushed them away to not make myself seem weak. I decided to leave this station and head over to my favourite. Knife throwing. Knife throwing was not really a talent, it was something I was born with, it was in my DNA. It came so easy to me, throwing that knife into a dummys head or chest. It filled me with excitement at the thought. 

I let my hands run over the handle of the knife, taking in its grooves and hand holds. I picked it up and weighed it in my hands, it had some weight to it. I walked over to the red button and pushed it. The machines started to start up and I stood back and smiled. The dummys found their place, I waited with anticipation. One dummy lit up and I aimed and fired within a second. I quickly grabbed another knife and turned backwards and threw it over my shoulder, it landed right in the forhead of the dummy. I took the last knife and stepped forward and fired it into the dummys heart. I threw it with such force that it came out the other side of the dummys back. I laughed, I was getting better everyday. 

I heard a clapping behind me and I spun around, not noticing I had a knife in my hand.

"Woah calm down, I was only clapping." He said holding his hands up. I put the knife back into its holder than placed it down on the table.

"But I didn't know you were watching." I scowled.

"It's one of my many talents, although, not as good as my sword talent, but you kn-"

"Whatever." I cut him off before going to grab my bag from my locker. I was done in this place. His voice just sent chills through my body, his arrogant, obnoxious, annoying voice. He was Cato. 

I was walking out the corridoor when I heard two girls gossiping. I tried not to listen into their conversation, but it was just so tempting. 

"Did you hear the news on Cato?" One girl sniggered.

"No, come on, don't keep me waiting!" Another girl with a high pitch voice said. I rolled my eyes, I don't see what people find so amazing about Cato.

"He has the hot's for this Clove girl ,whatever her name is. I'm so jealous, that should be me he likes." The first girl said. Cato likes me? I laughed but quickly covered my mouth with my hand. I bit my hand too stop me laughing.

"I know right!" Said the second girl. Cato doesn't even know me, so how could he like me? I'm not a weak sappling who needs a 'macho man' as he likes to call himself. I simply shook my head and left the training centre rolling my eyes. Some guys need to grow up, like big time.

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